Chapter 20: Back to school

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I don't know why I ever thought this would be a good idea, I completely regret making this decision, I take it back. I sigh and keep brushing my hair, it's too late to change my mind so I have to force enough energy and courage to go through the day. After Thanksgiving we thought it would be best that I go back to school straight after instead of waiting another week. This way I'd be joining every student who came back from a break instead of appearing on a random day, it seemed logical but as I'm getting ready to face the day I just want to crawl back in bed and snuggle my boys.

"You look stunning" Josh compliments appearing in the bathroom doorway wearing only sweatpants and holding a wide awake baby. "You think?" I ask nervously, during these past few months my outfit choices revolved around sweatpants, yoga pants and leggings along with baggy shirts, Josh's shirt and tank tops. Today I'm wearing black ripped jeans with a white sweatshirt and a jean jacket along with a little bit of make up. It felt slightly weird putting back some of my clothes that I haven't been able to wear in what seemed like ages, but it also felt nice, like it was a reminder of who I am.

"Absolutely, you look gorgeous" I smile and a slight blush appears on my cheeks as I drop my brush and go over to him, I go on the tip of my toes and press my lips against his. "Thank you" I mutter against his lips before he deepens it. Once we pull away I glance at Noah and chuckle when I find my son with his foot in his mouth. I shake my head in amusement and put his foot away before giving him a big kiss on his cheek.

Luckily school started earlier than Josh's job so I was able to spend a little bit of time with the both of them. We both head downstairs where Amy seems to be already wide awake making breakfast. "Good morning" she greets us all, placing 2 plates along with 2 cups on the counter.

"Morning Ma" Josh smiles opening the fridge and pulling out the carton of orange juice whilst I take a seat at the bar stool with Noah in my arms. "Morning" I breathe out adjusting the blanket over me so I can start breast feeding Noah.

"Excited to go back to school?" She asks curiously as she finishes the pancakes she is making. "I was but" I trail off helping Noah latch on before finishing my answer, "Now I don't really feel like leaving Noah" I admit as she nods in understanding.

"It's going to be hard" she agrees "But it's best for your studies if you do go to school, you also get to be with your friends again" I nod "I guess".

Breakfast goes by slowly which I'm extremely thankful for. Riley showed up a few minutes ago saying she wanted to walk to school together like the good old days and now I have to face a dreadful goodbye. "Maya you'll see him in a few hours" Riley reminds me but that only makes me hold on to Noah tighter.

"Mama loves you so much" I whisper kissing his cheek, "I'll be back before you know it baby" I add giving him a soft kiss. "I'm gonna miss you" I say pressing my forehead against his, I watch him smile and I can't help myself but to kiss him once more. "Okay" I sigh knowing that if he stays in my arms a little longer I would never let him go.

I pass Noah to Amy since I have to say goodbye to Josh. "Have a great first day" I smile and let him wrap his arms around my waist whilst I hook mine around his neck. "You're gonna do great and remember we love you so much" he leans down and kisses me softly before pulling away and kissing my cheek, "If anything happens call me and I'll be right there to get you" he whispers making me nod.

"Thank you" he smiles and takes a step back from me, "Have fun" I nod and blow him a kiss. "Okay" I sigh turning to face Riley, "Let's go" she opens the front door and I glance back at Noah once more. He'll be fine.


As soon as we walk inside the school a wave of nerves crash over me as I get quite a few glances from everyone. As far as I knew nobody knew I was pregnant all they did know was that I randomly left. I haven't posted anything on my social media relating to Noah or being a mother and I'm sure my friends would've kept my secret. It's not that I was ashamed of getting knocked up it's just that I didn't see the point in telling other people when they weren't my friends or family and all they were gonna do is bully me.

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