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~My first fanfic! Hope you guys enjoy this Drarry story! (also expect alot of fluff😉)~

       Draco's POV.

  I was walking through the hallways at what seemed like 2 am. I just couldn't sleep.... The memories kept me awake relentlessly. I just decided to go on a walk through the halls without thinking about the time.

    I wish I could have the invisibility cloak like Potter. It would allow me to sneak more unnoticed. Not that I'm sneaking, just out for a walk.

   God I can't even  take a walk without thinking about him

   I rolled my eyes to myself at my thoughts.
It's almost as if I could hear him in the corridor as I walked on. Wait.. I thought. I actually hear someone! I turned the corridor and saw the weaslette and none other than the god for saken Potter! Wait, what are they talking about?

"So, we're just done? Just like that!?" It was the Weasley. I couldn't help but smirk to myself at the thought of her crying.

"Yes. I'm sorry Ginny but you know why" hm, this should be interesting.

"I DON'T CARE!  I-I don't care that you're gay! It doesn't change the fact that I love you and you are my boyfriend!" She seemed rreeaallly mad. I had to stifle a chuckle at her struggle not to hex Potter. Wait, potters gay!?

"I do care! You can't change me! Even if I wasn't gay I would still be breaking up with you! All you do is try and change and control me!" Wow....note to self, don't piss of Potter.

"SECTUMS-"the weaslette was in the middle of shooting a hex just as Miss. Noris walked by with a low growl, shortly followed by Mr. Filch.

"Miss Weasley what is the meaning of this!" Filch was bursting with frustration. And again I had to stifle a small laugh from escaping.

"I-i can expla-" she was cut off by a fuming Potter

"I CANT BELIEVE YOU JUST TRIED TO KILL ME!" he was screaming very loud now. I was about to turn around and go when the Weasley and filch stormed off after filch, not before filch assigned the weaslette detention for 2 weeks.

  As they stormed past I saw Har- Potter, slump against the wall and slowly slide down until his knees where to his face and what sounded like sobs were heard.

  Before I could even think about it I was by his side with my hand on his.

"Go away Gin-" he looked up and completely silenced, even his breath couldn't be heard.

"W-what do you want Malfoy." He said my name with such disgust and something like... pain, I think, washed over me. It went as quickly as it came as I prepared for a snarky remark but instead I heard myself say

"Just wanted to make sure you where ok..." God I really have it coming now, he probably wants to punch me so bad....

  I looked back at his face not even knowing when I turned away, he looked completely shocked as his jaw was practically on the floor.

"Wait, i-i huh?" He was completely dumbfounded based by expression.

I prepared myself for one more of his Gryffindor outburst, but it never came. Just the feeling of a drop on my hand that was still holding his. I looked up at his emerald eyes, they looked.. thankful? I must be imagining things.

  I turned to get up until I realized I couldn't, instead, found myself whipping the tears from his cheek with my thumb ever so gently. The only reaction I God was a look a fear and disgust. I should have known, Potter would never show such emotions towards me. A Malfoy. Son of a death eater. And even worse, he probably thinks I'm one too.

"I'm gonna go" I turn and get up, the usual sneer plastered on my face once again. I let go of his hand just for it to be grabbed again by a stronger one.

"Please stay Dra- Malfoy.... I can't be alone right now. Please?" He almost sounded sincere. But it doesn't mean he cares. It just means he's using me to not feel alone. So I did the usual....

"As if Scarface! If you haven't noticed we are supposed to be enemies! I can't be seen with you ever." I scowled, obviously fake, and turned to go once more but stopped in my tracks and turned slowly to look at the other boy.

"What Potter, can't get enough? Didn't your mother ever tell you it's rude to stare? Oh wait, you don't have a mother. How pathetic." I regretted those words the moment they left my lips...

"Oh sod off Malfoy! To think you could have been nice for once! I mean makes sense. You are a death eater after all. Can't believe I wanted to-" he cut himself of as he clearly wanted to keep that last part to himself

"God Potter, is you head that thick? Or can you not realize that I'm not like my father!? And what, what did you want to do huh? Hex me? Use an unforgivable on me? Go ahead do whatever you want! It's not like I have a reason to live anyway!" Wow. I can't believe I just wanted all that to Potter. And what shocks e more is what he did next.

"No.. I wanted... I wanted t-to...." He seems very nervous, almost... Blushing?!

"What Potter! Just say it!" I was really getting impatient now.

"To do this" he said as he moved towards me, slowly closeing the distance before I felt his soft lips brush mine for no more than five seconds. I couldn't help but blushing at the sudden change in his mood.

"W-what the bloody hell was that Potter!! Why would you kiss me!! What the fuck is wrong with you!!" Holy crap. I shouldn't have said that...

"Wow." He sounded choked up. "I knew I should've just kept my mouth shut.... Good job Malfoy." He rushed off as he brushed his hands through his messy Raven black hair and I watched as a year fell from his not-so-happy eyes.

  Now it was y turn to slunk down in the wall. I couldn't help it. I started crying. So hard. It's not my fualt...

I can't just admit.... Admit it.... Im-in love with Harry Potter...

~Hey guys let me know what you think about the new story! I'm a huge drarry shipper so plz no hate 😂 anyway, if I don't update for a while I apologise, I will try and stay frequent. Until next time my Drarry faries! Byyee~


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