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~hey so this has nothing to do with the actual fan fic, this is just a random storyline, well actually it's a sneak peak to my next drarry fic. Enjoy!~

   Harry's POV.

I was rushing into potions so quickly. It's almost like potions holds bad lick for me, always late, always losing house points, and getting paired with him.

  Draco Malfoy.

That bloody ferret. His worst enemy. The boy who he rejected. The boy he loved. I don't know why Snape always partners us up, he hates me and Draco is his godson for Merlin's sake! Well, I guess no one is safe from Snape.

Speak of the devil.

  It seems I was just in time, I sat down in my desk just as Snape walked in the door. For some reason he seemed even more soir than usual.

"5 points from Gryffindor, try not be late Potter." So much for being on time.

  "Today, we will be brewing amortentia. The strongest love potion known to wizards. Now, we will not be trying it, but rather telling the class what it is you smell." No wonder he was scowling. Snap was incapable of love.

"Mr. Malfoy, late! 5 points from Slytherin." Hm. Seems no one is safe today. I smirked to myself not realizing Malfoy was staring at me angrily.

"Oh don't look so smug Scarface" he scowled.

    Draco's POV

Wow. Harry may just be smirking but he looks so dammed cute. Stop it Draco! I can't believe I've fallen for this bloody git. Why did I let this happen. What would father say?

It didn't matter anyway, he would never love me back...

  I looked back at the bored to see my living nightmare staring back at me: love potions. More specifically, amortentia. Oh no. Please no. At least we don't have to drink it, but now everyone will now what I smell in the potion...

Before I could even register what was happening Potter was back with the ingredients and had already poured the base.

"Jeez Malfoy what's got your mind flying?" He had that self satisfied smirk again, except he showed something other than that, like, he cared?

"Hello?" Oh right still zoning out

"What's it to you anyway Potter? Let's just brew this potion already." I tried to avoid his questioning gaze but failed as a saw a hint of what looked like hurt in his emerald eyes. But it was quickly covered by a look of annoyence.

    ~time skip cuz I'm lazy😂~

  "Alright, since I don't trust many of you, you will be smelling a potion I brewed previously. Form a line" Snape regarding the hurt expression on his students faces.

"Alright now, Ms. Granger, what do you smell?" She looked shocked as she described Ron's exact smell, as he did for her.

The rest of the line went by quickly until it was my turn.

"Malfoy, what is it you smell?"

"I-" I cut myself off as I realized that the potion smelled just like Potter lavender shampoo, and his constant musk of the cold air from flying. "I smell, lavender, and, something that kinda smells like the quidditch pitch." No point in lying. I looked around as everyones eyes widened and looked straight at Harry. He looked less showed and more nervous than anything.

"Interesting" Snape said in his monotonous voice as he looked Potter up and down.

"Potter please describe what you smell like?" He was caught off guard and stammered while he replied "quidditch pitch and lavender shampoo sir" oh boy I'm in for it now.

Harry's POV

  Oh. My. Merlin. He's attracted to me. Holy bloody hell. Oh no. It's my turn.

"Well Potter? We don't have all day" Snape growled lowly.

"I smell.... I smell, mint colonge, old books, and....cherry chapstick?" I looked around as everyone turned towards Draco, who was frozen in place from shock.

"Malfoy, what is it YOU smell like?" Snape seemed generally sick from the fact that I just described his godson.

"M-mint colonge, old b-books(since I spend a lot of time at the library) an-and, I wear cherry chapstick..." Holy shit me and Malfoy love each other. THANK MMEERRLLIINNN!!

third person.

The boys looked at each other in shock, utter and complete shock. "CLASS DISMISSED!" Snape voice boomed.

They all scurryed  for the door at the sudden sound. All except Draco and Potter who were visibly shaking as they slowly collected their things and walked, no, trudged, out of the room. Stopping to look at each other before they both broke out into huge grins.

"Wasn't expecting that." Said them both in unison.

"Oh cut the crap Harry we both know we liked each other. Now it's just a matter of what to do" Draco seemed very calm despite the fact that he just used the other boys first name without sneering.

"Well Draco, I think," he cut himself off as he reached for draco's hand, "that this is the start of something truly strange." And with that he walked off, leaving a very confused Draco. Before he ultimately caught  on and grinned.

~hipe u enjoyed, again, this isn't a part of the fic, I just thought it was so adorable and it's a sneak peak of a future story.~

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