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-Holy shit I'm back! Hhiiiiii. Sorry for disappearing. I'm back now. Enjoy-

A/n my friend will be appearing  in this story. She is "Married" to Snape irl. Issa joke thing. My husband is Malfoy. But I ship drarry. Besides the point tho. She will appear.

Draco's POV

  Fuck. No. Shit. Why now! Just because I say I'm going to talk to him doesn't mean I hoped it would actually happen!

  I shoot my friends a shocked glance as if to comfirm that he really is behind me. When I see they are just shocked I get my answer.

  I turn around slowly as if any sudden movement could be seen as dangerous. I couldn't help but feel anxious and scared as my heart beat a mile a minute.

  Once I finally turn all around I see Harry looking pale and scared. But nonetheless he has that charming smile that could make anyone, -and I mean anyone- fall to their knees.

  "Oh. Um." I can't seem to form words and just sit there fumbling with my own hands nervously.

  "I- just follow me. We need to talk." I finally manage words as I grab hold of his wrist and drag him to God knows where.

A/n so I'm lazy and it's 3 am. So there will be a lot of time skips in this chapter. Deal with it.👌

  Time skip

  Harry's PoV

  I couldn't help but fell shock run through me as he pulled me along the empty corridor. I also feel increasingly nervous and can't help but wonder what he has to say.

  We finally stop when he pulls us into a familiar bathroom. Moaning Murtles bathroom. Great. Only, strangely enough I can't see or hear her anywhere.

  "Where's Murtle?" I ask without thinking.

  "She moved on to haunting the prefects bathroom. Alot more guys in the bubble bath😏."

(Told you I'd use emoji to show expression 🤷)

  "Oh." I look down to see that we are still holding hands. He seems to notice this as well since he drops my hand emediatly. (Spelt that wrong but who cares)

"So what did you want to talk about?" I try not to sound to nervous when I speak. But based by his expression I can tell he is just as nervous as me.

"Us." That it. That's all he says. But somehow  it managed to get my heart pumping faster than a snitch.

  "What about us?" I can't help but look down at the floor. God why isn't he answering!? Probably because you just asked the question a few seconds ago dumbass! I think. Dammit.

  "Well. For starters, how long?" He looks almost as nervous as I feel.

" How long what?" I know what he means. I just don't want to answer.

  "Don't be daft Harry. How long have you l-liked me?" Did he just stutter?!

  "Um. Sometime in first year..." God. I need to get out of here now....

  "Wow. Um. I dont- I mean i- i- me too." He runs his words until basically breathing out the last part in a mili- second. Wow. He likes me back. Wait....

  "HOLD UP! WHAT!" ok that couldn't have come from me. I don't remember my lips moving. But sure as hell. We are the only one here and it came from me. Dammit.

  "Eh... Yeaah. I like you too.." he says quietly


"Ookaay. So, what now?" But before I can get an answer....

  "BOOM!" the door is thrown open and in bursts now other than...... Drum roll please.

Snape. Greeatt! 🙄

"You two. Dumbledore's office. Now!" He says it so angrily and calm at the same time it could scare Voldemort.

  We both scramble for the statue only two corridors down and mumble the password up. Once we step inside we are greated with Professor McGonagall at her desk and Dumbledore in his painting.

  "Yes professor?" Draco asked shaking slightly. I imagine from his godfather.

  "Sit." She says eyeing the two chairs in front of her desk. We comply without issue. Once we are seated she doesn't hesitate to bark on us about what just happened.

  "Need I remind you both how imperative it is you follow rules!? I mean. Seriously Draco? You are a Prefect for your house, and Harry! You would think after all your past would condemn you to listen! You both know even if Voldemort is dead his followers are still on prowl! If you were not dismissed by a professor you may not leave! In this case, you mist at least stay in the closet corridor!"

  She drills on but I find myself lost as I catch the eye of Dumbledore. He still has the twinkle in his eye. He gives me a knowing look and a small smirk. Causing me to turn back to McGonagall.

  "-so you will both be serving detention with Hagrid tonight. And each house will lose 20 points for carelessness." We do nothing but now and look down.

  "You may go now. It seems you have missed the last class of the day, so I advise you to head to your common rooms now. Your detention is at 8:00" and with we are out.

We don't give each other another glad we as we run off to our common rooms. So much for talking....

-until next chapter bitches! Sorry this was short! But it is now 4:30 and I am about to hallucinate a dragon kissing a gnome from sleep deprivation. Adios amigos!-


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