He's back!

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~Hey guys! I'm so sorry I haven't updated! I feel terrible! Summer just started and I've been so busy! Buuutttttt........ On a happier note, HOLY CRAP HOW DOES THIS STORY HAVE SO MANY READS?! I am literally in shock. I didn't expect this story to get this big.... Anyway I will let you get back to the story😂~

Draco's POV

       The words echoed through his head over and over like chant.

  Lucius Malfoy escaped Azkaban.

  It couldn't be true. Sure it's happened before, but that's when they had the dark lord to break them out! How could this happen? It's impossible. Can't be. No, its not happening. It's just a dream. Or a sick joke.

  He was snapped out of his mental tirade by Harry clutching moving even closer and grabbing his hand in reasurance. It was now that he had remembered he wasn't alone and that the other boy must be just as terrified.

  "So, I've made arrangements for Mrs. Malfoy to stay here until Lucius is caught. As for you two a safe house is being prepared for you to stay. Your mother will join you shortly after." McGonagall spoke quietly. As of not to anger the teens in front of her.

  "As long as my mother and Harry are safe I don't care what happens to me." He didn't realize it was him speaking until after he was done.

  McGonagall looked surprised for a moment but quickly covered it, while Harry just looked down while bushing. He found it very cute despite the circumstances.

  "How long will be in the safe house?" Harry inquired.

  "No less than a month I'm afraid." McGonagall sounded slightly weary considering the two boys staying together were supposed to be enemies, despite the little show of affection.

  "When do we leave?" It was Draco this time. He may really like Harry  but considering why they will be living together, he isn't exactly jumping for joy.

  "First thing tomorrow morning. You are to meet me by the great Hall at exactly 6 am. You may go now to say goodbye to your friends and pack. But under no circumstances may you tell them why you are leaving."

  "Yes professor.." They said in sync. Draco found it very odd that this was all happening. Just when things were going good they had to take a negative turn. Oh well.

   "Dismissed." The professor said shortly.

They both turned to leave and pack. They walked silently down the corridor. Harry with his head down and Draco himself looking straight ahead.

  Out of absolutely nowhere Harry looked up toward him, grabbed his face (gently) and kissed Draco. After about 7 seconds of them kissing Harry released and ran down the hall to Gryffindor tower leaving Draco shell shocked.

-Time skip cuz I'm laazzyyy-

Harry's POV

   I don't know why I just did that! Ok well I do. But why did I have to?! God now it's gonna be weird. I mean I know we like each other but I don't know if he was ready for that. Especially since his dad just escaped and is literally out for our heads.

Well with everything going on he hopefully won't think to much about it....

Narrator POV

Oh how wrong you are Harry. That kiss is the beginning of something very great, but very dangerous. I'd be very careful.....😉

-Sorry it's so short. Like I said I'm very busy.... I hope you all enjoyed❤️ love you guys, byyeee👋-


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