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~hey guys! Holy shit I haven't updated in forever! I'm so sorry 💔. I've been so busy with school and family shit I haven't gotten the chance to write. This chapter might be kinda short but here ya gooo~

  Harry's POV.

  It's been a week since that night in the hallway. I've been avoiding him since. Even in the halls when his ever so taunting voice peirces through the noise, I just keep my head down and walk away.

  My friends, or Hermione more so, have noticed this. She's been questioning me for days about me distant behavior. All I say is I'm just tired. I know she doesn't believe me, you can see it on her face, but she never questions it.

Ron however, is just, well.... Ron. He hasn't noticed, even when Dra-Malfoy.... Walked onto the quidditch field and I almost fell off my broom! His only focus is Felix. A Slytherin boy in our year. Ron is the only person besides mione' to Know I'm gay, he also knows my feelings towards the Slytherin king. Malfoy. He took it well.

   Considering he's gay for one of his best friends. And to make it even better, Hermione is in live with Pansy Parkinson! Wow. We're all in love with someone from the Slytherin power trio. Imagine the headlines! The golden trio is in love with the Slytherin power trio! Reeta Skeeter would have a friend day with us.

Well now I'm in potions. Ugh. My hell. And of course, it's with Slytherin. Yaaayy. Not. Snape walked in with his usual attitude and monotonous voice.

  "Today you will be working with a partner to brew..." I stopped listening after those words. Snape hates me. He knows me and Malfoy don't get along. He always, and I mean always, partners us together just to piss me off. I know he's going to do it today.

"Mr. Potter! Repeat what I just said." Oh great. I need to start paying attention to Snape.

  "I-i don't know sir." I managed to push out a reply.

  "Of course. 5 points from Gryffindor for not paying attention. 5 more for pure lack of proper response." Ugh. He is a master of coming up with excuses to take points from me.

"As I was saying. Today you will be brewing  Veritaserum. Now, can anyone please tell me what this potion does?" He scanned the room and of course skipped right over Hermione who was practically attacking the air with her raised hand.

"No one? What a shame. Veritaserum is a truth serum. All that is needed for this potion to take affect is three drops. The taker will be unable to lie for approximately two hours unless given the antidote, Wich I have prepared since after brewed, one partner will take the concoction while the other asks one important question."

  Oh. No. I already know what Malfoy is gonna ask. That is, unless I can convince him to take it...

"Now. For partners it will be one Gryffindor and one Slytherin. As follows, Felix (A/N I'm not sure if Felix is a real character but in this, Blaise, Crabbe & Goyle, aren't in Draco's group, it's Felix, Pansy, And Draco.) And Ron. Pansy and Hermione. Draco and Harry......" He kept listing names until everyone was with their partners

How funny. We all got paired with the people we are in love with. The thing with those four (Pansy, Hermione, Ron, and Felix) they are just like me and Malfoy. They act like enemies, but you can tell they love each other. But they are all blind and can't see it. Except that means they aren't like me and Malfoy, cuz I know he doesn't love me.

A/n oh Harry how wrong you are! 😂😍

Draco's POV

  Great. Just like I thought. I get paired with saint Potter! The boy I love but who hates me. You can tell Snape knows. Or else he wouldn't keep doing it. He may hate Potter, but I'm his godson and he wants me to be happy. Ha. So much for that.

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