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So...... I've done so thinking. Or more so I did some thinking. Ok here I'mma put it in story form for you guys kinda.


I sat in my room after going out to dinner. I had just seen this girl and I had found her very attractive and I was very confused. I had always thought I was straight. Fast forward about a month. It happened again. But it was a non binary. This became more frequent and I was starting to get really confused. I knew I wasn't pan sexual or bi. Or even lesb. So I did some research and........

  ~End flash back~

  So this was all about a year ago.... But now, after six months of knowing who I am, this is it......

  I'm Hetero-Flexible...

Confused? Don't be. Here is the definition in technical terms....

   Heteroflexibility is a form of a sexual orientation or situational sexual behavior characterized by minimal homosexual activity in an otherwise primarily heterosexual orientation, which may or may not distinguish it from bisexuality. It has been characterized as "mostly straight".

In a simple sense, basically I'm mostly straight, but I still feel attracted to other genders. But, not frequently. It's like, 4.5 chance out of 7 that I'd be attracted to another gender other than males.

  And many might say that I'm just a straight girl who wants attention, but this is how I feel. It's not being experimental.

  A question I got from an online friend was "So are you part of the lgbtq+?" I did some research on this beforehand and yes. I am. The plus is not only for pansexual. It's is also a way to shorten the acronym. According to many websites, there are over 65 other sexualities in LGBT+.

   Plz no hate on this..... I just felt it is something I should tell my readers. Speaking of Wich how am I even getting reads on this?! Thanks for reading...

*PS Emily if you are reading this, don't tell anyone. And I mean ANYONE at school. I'm not ready for that yet*

*Edit* I'm actually pansexual. I said I was hetroflexible to get used to coming out to people. But truly I'm pan.

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