Detention Part 2

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-sorry last chapter was cut short. I was busy. So here is a part two.-

Draco's POV

  We finally got to Hagrid's hut. After a good 20 minute walk and that break we had to take to spy- I mean casually walk by, as Snape almost kissed a bloody student! And a Gryffindor at that! Not that I have a problem with The house of lions, seeing as I'm in love with one.

  I realized I had zoned out since Harry was shaking me to follow him and Hagrid.

  "Exuse me Hagrid? But what exactly are we doing for detention?" Harry asked.

  "Well. Seeing as ye two have simpered down yer' arguing, McGonagall thinks it would be a good idea if ye two spent some time together."

  It was my turn to sound concerned " and what exactly do you mean by that?"

  "It's best if I don' say quite yet." He just smirked under that giant beard.

   We started walking into the forest and I got visibly more and more scared. No matter how much I tried to hide it I know Harry saw it. Especially since his next chosen sentence was....

"You know Malfoy...." He put a slight teist on my name just to set me on edge. "If you're that scared, you can always hold my hand" he smirked. That mother fucker smirked at me!

  "I am not scared!" I reply a little to fast. "Whatever Blondie. Just so you know, I think there's a big wolf pack nearby" he said the last word in a sing song voice.

*Howl noise*

I quickly snatched his hand in mine without thinking. Dammit. He just gives it a reasuring squeeze to tell me it's ok. Hagrid is a few yards ahead so we weren't worried.

  We finally get to the spot and I feel Harry visibly freeze next to me. I look up only to see...

   A fucking picknick. Not only that. A candle lit dinner, on a blanket. I sense there is something more happening, but I shrug it off for now and give Hagrid a death glare.

  "Ye two will be sitting er' and talking. Now keep in mind tha' once you sit down, it's charmed so ye only say what ye thinkin' and tellin' the truth." I just gape at him in complete shock.

  Harry is the first to break the silence, "And what if we don't?"

   " Well, ye see, I have wit' me a vial of Veritaserum, if ye don't sit, well, ye'll be havin' to drink it and answer each other's questions. 3 hours ye'll be out here. I'll be around, if ye need anything just holler'" and  with that he turns and is off.
I turn to see Harry already sitting, so I reluctantly follow along. This time I break the silence by saying..

Harry's POV

  "I love you." Is the first thing that he says. Before I can stop myself I'm blurting out my response,

  "I love you too." How am I so calm when I'm freaking out inside?

  "I think it's the charm. Compelling not only our inner thoughts to come out but forcing a calm nature."

"I said all that out loud?"

"Well obviously harry, the charm is working it seems." We sit there in silence commanding our brains not to utter another thought. Until...

   "Since first year.... That's how long. I have loved you for eight years Harry. That's a long ass time. For eight years I have pines after your attention. I didn't mean for all those harsh words I spoke, I really didn't. I just didn't know how else to start a conversation. Do you remember in sixth year I think, when I broke your nose on the train? When I said 'nice face Potter' that was a compliment. I wish you could've seen sooner."

I was completely taken aback. I couldn't even form coherent thoughts, so all I could say was...

"I-hm- wha.. whaduhfuckjuzhappenedhollypizzarolls!" I don't even know. I calm myself down and try to think straight

"I- I can't believe this. Ive liked you since first year too. Everytime you bullied me and I fired back, I was just trying to prove myself to you, you know, you being pure blood and all. I never felt wanted, or worthy of you. You were and still are amazing. I don't know how I didn't see the fact that you liked me before. I really am just that daft, like Mione' says. But you remember first year? When I didn't take your hand? Well, I was really just afraid I wouldn't let go once I took it. Also, I was wrong. I really can't tell the wrong sort for myself.."

   It was his time to be surprised. I just reached across the table and held out my hand for him to take... Like first year.

"I'm Potter, Harry Potter. Wanna start over?" He smiled. Not his signature Malfoy smirk, but a genuine smile. It was almost blinding.

  "I knew you'd come around" he fake smirks as he takes my hand and shakes it. Just as We are about to lean in, Hagrid comes booming through the trees looking completely scared for his life.

  "Serry to cut this shor' , but McGonagall needs'a see ye two right away!" He grabs our arms without warning and apparates is to her office.

  " Boys." She nods for the chairs in front of her. We comply as I realized we are still holding hands. She takes no notice as she looks she'll shocked at us.

" I have some very bad news. It affects the both of you equally. I'm just not sure how to phrase it best..." She trails off sadly.

   "Excuse my bluntness, but can you get on with it?" Draco sweetly smiles as she is brought back from her trance.

" It seems." She trailed out. "That Lucius Malfoy, has escaped Azkaban."

No. It can't be. The man who is after my life. Who wants his own son dead for turning sides. Is escaped. On the lose. I turn to Draco to see he is mirroring me, he looks 10 shades paler, wide eyes and shaking. We hold our gaze before he passes out and I quickly follow suite.

All I could see was the evil smile of Lucius Malfoy. Then....


-Holy shit guys. What did you think? I put effort into this. But it's still bad. Anyway, I need to go. Until next time bitches!-

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