Stuck pt. 1

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~I really have no excuse for being gone this long. But hey! I haven't wrote since last year! ok that was a bad joke.....ANYWAY! I'm incredibly sorry I was gone for like, 3 months?? I think?? This'll be a short Chapter from Lucius's POV. I thought it'd be cool so yeah. incase you couldn't tell, I'm writing this with no plans what so ever, which in turn created this mess. I'm starting another called "Take A Shot" it is also drarry. I'm taking time to plan that one out however, so I'll update it when thats done. Ok I'm done rambling, enjoy!~

      Lucius wandered through the forbidden forest with no clear objective. He had narrowly avoided 'the kiss' in Azkaban, and much to everyone's displeasure, escaped. He had one thing on his mind since he'd been convicted and locked up, revenge.

     Revenge on his good for nothing son and his bitch of a wife, revenge on those incompetent fools at the ministry, and revenge on Potter. The one who took everything from him when he killed his master.

He smiled to himself sinisterly. He would soon get his chance...

His head poked out of the trees edge. He could see the dark outline of Hogwarts from where he stood. He good hear the loud bark of that oaf Hagrids dog. He may be put of his mind but he would never forget his old veiws. He drew out a wand he had aquired from a passing visitor in Azkaban he had killed.

   His escape was quite easy really. The dementors never forgot their allegiance to the Dark Lord. They'd obviously not hesitate to give him 'the kiss,' but after he'd aqquired the wand it was quite easy.

People honestly underestimated prisoners. Yes, most of them are clinically insane, but that doesn't take away from intelligence. In fact, they're able to think beyond the normal capacity of everyone else. How else was he to trick that visitor close enough to kill? Or even break out at all? The ministry puts to much faith in their feeble attempts at control. Honestly they go from hiding things to admitting them, then hiding something else. It's pathetic.

He stood next to Hagrids cabin, waiting for any indication he would come out, but it seemed he was absolutely sloshed based on the heavy hiccups coming from inside. He chuckled to himself.

"Absolute fools." He grunted

  He crept along the grounds silently, not bothering to see if people were nearby, they can be disposed of with a simple incantation. He knew obviously that Draco nor Potter would be here. He wasn't here for them. He was here for someone else entirely. Someone who could help him, wether willingly or not.

He was here for Hermione Granger.

~i ran out of time so this is part one! Again, I'm sorry I was gone so long, I'll update soon (I hope)~


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2020 ⏰

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