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Hey bitches. From now on bolded words are the narrator. Anyway, I'm back, and I'm pansexual. Lucky me😁 ok but on a more serious note, this chapter will be very gay. So enjoy that.

   Draco's POV

God dammit. I can't believe McGonagall gave us detention. Besides First year, I've never ever had detention. I mentally cursed my self for that day. Why did I have to rat on the trio?

  I'm gonna be late! I had left later than anticipated since I decided to sleep. I'm not sure what this detention will be like. You never know when McGonagall gives you detention with Hagrid. Oh well...

   Harry's POV

Im on my way to my detention with Hagrid.  Who knows what he'll have us do. For some reason this reminds me exactly of first year. I still miss that little dragon.😕.

  I turned the corridor to see Snape looking at someone. I hadn't seen that look in his eyes since I saw his memories of my mother. I quickly hid behind  a close by pillar. I could see Gryffindor robes peaking out of the window ledge. Wierd. Snape hates us Gryffindors. I thought. I heard a small laugh come from the girl. So it's a girl?

  I leaned out just enough to see without being seen. Snape was leaning in now, uh oh.  "Ehem."

I look up to see none other than Draco Malfoy standing in the corridor. He glanced at me before stepping forward.

  "Miss. Valesco. I do believe that you have a common room to be in." He stared flatly.

Wait! I thought. Emily Valesco? That's who Snape was about to fucking kiss?! I did not expect that. She stormed past me in the hall and Snape in the opposite direction. She looked very red, from anger or embarrassment I'm not sure.

"You can come out now Potter." Draco sighed. I quickly scrambled to leave for detention, Draco trailing right behinds me.

  Hagrid's POV

Oh boooy. McGonagall had the perfect plan. These two boys will never see it coming.

Mcgonagall's POV

Hm. 😏. They will never see it coming. I am sick and tired of their childish fights. They are obviously in love with each other. This plan will finally get them what they deserve.

A/n. I forgot to mention, this is in 8th year. They all came back to redo 7th year since they missed it due to the war. Snape, Fred, remus, and tonks are all alive. Dumbledore is still dead. Sorry

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