preference #3

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"Tell me Y/N, who the fuck was that then?!" Michael yelled.

"It was no one, Michael! Why don't you fucking shut up?" You yelled back in frustration.

"Because, Y/N, I can't fucking trust you anymore since last times incident!"

"What incident? The one where I tripped and fell into that waitor?"

"He had his hands all over you!"

He crossed his arms, a frown upon his red face. You rolled your eyes, sitting down on the couch. Rubbing your temples, you heard Michael sigh.

"Michael, without trust, we can't go on as a couple." You said softly.

"What?" His eyebrows furrowed.

You looked at him, not feeling empathy. "We're done, Michael."

His face fell, and he pushed himself off the wall he was leaning against. "No.. Please don't say that.." He whispered, kneeling down in front of you. He took your hands in his, looking at you as you looked away. "Michael, our fights hurt me."

"I know, I know baby. But please don't give up on us."


"Hey babe." You smiled, hugging him as he entered your shared home. He shrugged you off, walking past you. You let it slide; he probably had a bad day. You thought.

You kept on a cheery smile, trailing after the huge boy. "Want anything to eat?" You asked, smiling at him as he sat down on the couch. He mumbled a few words. "What was that?"

Suddenly he got up, yelling, "I SAID LEAVE ME ALONE! You're so fucking clingy, can't I be left alone for one second? You're always up in my case, and I need to breathe!" He pulled at his hair. "Just leave my sight," he sighed, turning away.

You gulped, speachless. Was I really that bad? You thought. You nodded at his command, turning on your heel and leaving the house.


"Ashton, I don't feel well." You sighed, walking into the bedroom. You were heavily pregnant with his child, and you weren't feeling to hot. "Aww, Y/N feels like shit!" He giggled, looking up from his phone. He was sat on the bed, probably tweeting his fans. "I'm serious Ash," you sighed, sitting on the edge of the bed. He giggled again. "She's serious!" He fake gasped, then bursting into fits of giggles. "Fucking Ashton!" You yelled, standing up. "You always make stupid jokes! You're never serious!" You ranted, getting a small bag and throwing random clothes in there. "I'm going to my moms, where somebody will take me fucking seriously," you growled, walking out.


You were out with Calum, holding hands and wandering around. You had a tough week, getting hate every single day. But, you smiled and kept your feelings inside.

Today was a normal Y/N and Calum day, buying Starbucks and just venturing.

One thing you noticed, is that every woman who passed by, Calum checked her out. You tried to let it go. Tried.

Another teenage girl passed by, another look at her boobs and bum, and you had had enough.

You stormed off, crossing your arms and bumping into people.

That is, until you felt someone pull your waist and lift you into the air. That someone was Calum Hood.

You groaned as he put you over his shoulder, and you swatted at his back. "You make me so angry," you hissed, and he only laughed.

"I hate you,"

"I love you , beautiful."

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