Chapter - 2

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I wake up from a sleep I didn't even know i was in by cold water splashing all over me. And I repeat it was really really reaaalllyyy cold.

Feeling a pair of hands taking of my blindfold again. Being greeted with someone I haven't met before. He wasn't tall and was fairly handsome. He had some tattoos and full lips.

"finally you woke up." The man said in a stern but soft voice. "Come on it's time to leave" he said while untying my hands and legs "and don't think about running away cause I won't hesitate to kill you" he warned me.

How was i supposed to stay put when i have a chance to escape.

I mean what if there is a perfect way to run, what should i do.

Cause if i get caught i'm done for.

Being lost in thought i forgot about having to stand and follow the guy

"hey! Are you listening i said get up and follow me stupid whore" the guys voice changed from cute but stern to rude and loud and honestly i'm kind of scared of him when he is like that not going to lie.

Standing up with my weak legs and being greeted with his hand on my arm harshly,

you know the way your mom holds you when you did something wrong that way.

He took me outside the room into a hallway that was completely black.

The walls the floor the roof, literally everything was dark and almost gothic looking. I kept looking around while stepping all the way to the end of the hallway where we were greeted by a door, a black one with a golden touch.

The guy was opening a few locks that were on the door and led me inside.

The room we walked into wasn't a room it was another hallway with a stairs that led us upstairs. So i was in the basement i thought.

"I'm going to take you upstairs but look straight ahead the entire time, if i catch you looking anywere but ahead I won't hesitate to hurt you." The voice of the nameless man said.

We went upstairs and all i did was look ahead nothing less and nothing more.

We were walking for a while and i did notice that it seemed like an actual house.

We came to a halt all of a sudden right in front of a door, a plain white door. He opened it and took me inside.
I was wondering if i could look around or not but I wasn't willing to take the chance.

"This will be your room. Sir wants you to take a shower and get dressed properly, your outfit is in the bathroom which is obviously trough that door" he said while pointing at a door that should lead to the bathroom.

"I will take my leave now. Someone should come and get you in an hour so make sure to be ready by then" after that he left me all alone in this room that I wasn't familiar to.

I took my time to look around and the room was really nice actually.

It was mostly dark colors but just enough light to make it beautiful.

It had a king sized bed and it looked so comfortable.

Going to the door that i open to get inside the bathroom i'm in awe of how nice it looks it had a comfy looking bath and a pretty big shower.

Nothing i am used to at all.

I decided that it was time to get myself ready so i hopped in the shower and washed myself with really nice smelling soap.

When stepping out i dry myself with a towel that i found.
I went over to the clothes and saw a note laying on them.
I picked it up and read it

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