chapter - 10

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I don't know how long i have been here. My arms are numb and my stomach is growling from the hunger i was currently feeling.

I was losing more and more hope as time went by. I felt myself getting more and more excited about death, at least i would be free again. 

Suddenly i heard a sound coming closer.  Footsteps and subtle breathing sounds. Unlike what i expected i wasn't scared i felt happy, happy because maybe this man can put me out of my misery. If only i knew what i was going to have to go trough later.

I didn't see his face, only a shadow. If i remember correctly it didn't seem the build of any of the people i had met already. Curiosity came over me, i wanted to know who it was. Knowing what i know now i wish i didn't know this man.

"I've heard you need punishment. Tell me why you deserve it." i heard a very specific voice say. the kind of voice that you can hear in a crowded place.

"I would appreciate you answering me, dear" He spoke after a while. Not in an intimidating voice, a rather nice and sweet one.      

"I don't know" i tried to say with my dry throat And it was true, i have no idea what i did to end up in this situation.

"Me neither. Sad, i would've liked to know" he said more to himself than to me. 

"Tell me your name, dear" He commanded. Although it didn't sound like it was a command it felt more like the right thing to do. It was like i felt the need to do what he says.

"y/n" i said in a raspy voice due to the lack of water and food. He seemed very satisfied for some reason, happy almost. But i didn't care. I didn't care about anything at that moment actually. My mind felt empty and blank but full and alive at the same time.

"U look really pretty, can you tell me how old you are?" I felt weirdly flustered at him calling me pretty. I felt the need to cover my cheeks out of fear of the forming of red on my cheeks.

"22, I'm 22" I said not thinking about the situation i was in at all. It's like a part of my mind was shut down, like i didn't feel fear or sadness anymore.

"I'm so proud of you for being such a good girl and answering my questions. Will you keep being a good girl for me?" He asked looking me straight in the eyes. At that moment i felt so happy and proud that i didn't let him down. 

I was so happy i started nodding my head vigorously. "Good girl" He said while stroking my head. At that moment it felt heavenly.

"Tell me, what makes you sad." He asked. I started thinking about stuff that made me sad.   images of the past started flashing by. 


"when is daddy coming home?" i asked "honey, daddy is not coming home. You already know that" 

"Mom, where is dad? Is he still alive?" "I don't know, but please don't look for him he isn't worth it"


"yes i'm meeting him tomorrow" i told my friend "Aren't you scared, after everything your mother said about him." 


"hello" for the first time in many years i heard my father speak to me again. 


"All you had to do was be my father, you left me alone how cloud you do that?!" "I needed you and you walked away" 

"If i could turn back time i would do it am differently"


"I wandered all these years what was wrong with me. Why you would leave me. All i want to know is why, why did you leave" 

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