chapter - 11

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Hi, i'm BACK shit went down this month tbh like oof. 2020 started bad buuut imma try to be less of a sad bitvh this year :). I hope u had a good new year and i wish y'all the best 2020!! 

If you're a sad bitch like me u can follow my instagram to i post sad quotes with music and shit idk it's by the name infiresman._.yeah.

Anyway let's get on with the story.


Yoongi's POV:

I was in the diner room waiting for Hoseok to come back. I thought about her, she meant alot to me, but she could never know her significance. I don't feel bad about what she has to go through though, she isn't important to me in that way.

"what are you thinking about Yoongi" I heard Jin say while stepping in the room and seating himself at the table I was sitting at.

"I need to contact him as soon as possible. The deal needs to be over with." I told him ignoring his question.

"I could arrange a talk but, are u sure you want it to be over with sir." he tried questioning me slowly.

"Yes Jin I am sure, why wouldn't I be?" 

"This whole situation has more potential for you." He tried reasoning with me being sure to be carefull with his words not wanting to trigger me.

"I don't care. I don't want her here for alot longer. I know how it will turn out otherwise, we both know." I said walking away from the table to the door.

"You'll be lonely all your life, and she will suffer an even worse faith then loneliness. Neither of you deserve that." He said right before i walked through the door.

I turned my head a little over my shoulder but decided to just walk away towards my room.


In a few seconds I heard footsteps coming closer and soon after the door opened.

"Yes, my lord?" Jimin asked whilst bowing his head slightly.

"I expect Hoseok will be done soon. He has requested your presence so go and wait for him in his room." I said and he nodded and left to go to his room.

After some thinking i started falling asleep.

Hoseok's POV:

I walked back upstairs and went to my room to clean myself up. As i opened the door i saw Jimin standing in the corner of my room with his head down slightly shocked as he heard i opened the door.

"What are you doing there?"

"Yoongi said you wanted to see mee" Jimin said not looking at me.

"I know, I meant what are you doing there in that cornor. Take a seat" I said looking at him.

He seemed hesitant at first but still seated himsef on the side of the bed. He looked like he was stressed, scared even. Looking at my hand that was still stained with blood from the girl i mentally tortured not long ago.

"I'm going to clean myself up, I'll be right back. Make yourself comfortable." 

After I washed the blood off and changend into fresh clothes I went back to my room to see Jimin sit in the exact same place he was sitting when left him.

"I said make yourself comfortable" I said whilst chuckeling. Jimin looked at me shocked and didn't seem to know what to do.

"Are you hungry?" I asked.

He didn't answer but i didn't know one to know he was hungry.

"What do you want? I'll tell someone to make it." I asked but didn't give him time to answer knowing he would say he isn't hungry.

"Nevermind, I know exactly what u want I'll tell someone to make some." I said sitting down on the bed aswell after telling a passing maid to go make it.

"You lost alot of weight.." I said more as a question.

"Yeah" He said unsure again.

"Jimin, I'm not Yoongi. Please don't think I think of you as someone lower then me." I needed him to know I'm still his friend.

"I uh-" He didn't know what to say so i decided to continue talking.

"You don't deserve this. What happened shouldn't have led to this." 

"I am weak. I've always been" He said in a small voice.

"You weren't weak, you were in love and she betrayed you at the end." I tried to reason with him.

"Love makes you weak, that's why I became this" 

"We're all weak sometimes Jimin" I said looking him in the eye.

"You're never weak, because you don't love" He said looking back at me.

"I do love. And i do care-" I was cut off by Jimin

"You don't care. If you did you would've stood by my side. You wouldn't have betrayed me and you wouldn't have went to the basement and tortured an innocent girl. But you don't, the only thing you care about is yourself and having power." He emptied his hard. Like he wanted to tell me this for ages.

I wanted to deny it but he was right. I did leave him when he needed me, and i have indeed done terrible things with no remorse until late at night on my bed under my covers.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, I have the food you asked sir." A maid said coming inside and placing it on the night stand before leaving again.

"Jimin, I know what I did was wrong but what was I supposed to do. I would've ended up like you is that going to help you in any way." I tried to defend myself.

"That's exactly what you should've done. I tought we were a team. Us against the world after she died you were the only one i had left. But you left me to die." Jimin said tearing up.

"You- you left me, alone. I needed you and you walked away like you didn't even know me. Like we were nothing." He said his first tear hitting his cheek.

"Jimin.. I'm sorry. It wasn't how it was supposed to go." I said in a low voice.

"How can i make it up to you?" I asked

"You can't just make it better and make it all go away. It doesn't work like that. You hurt me and left me to suffer at the hands of Yoongi. And you didn't even talk to me until today. To ashamed to look at me." He said looking away.

"I'm sorry. Please eat. You need it" I said changing the subject knowing the guilt was eating me up.

"I'd rather starve." He said and stood up from the bed and walked away. Leaving me and my toughts alone.

Your POV:

I woke up laying on a bed. My woonded arm had a bandadge over it. I was chained to the bed with my left leg.

I looked around me and saw I was in a unfamiliar room. The sun was peeking trough the curtains so i was able to take in my surroundings.

I was still really tired and found it hard to keep my eyes open.

I turned to my side and slowly went back into a slumber. 


hi, so this chapter wasn't alot in your pov but i feel like i need to do their pov to to give them a better character development sooo yeah

also you can comment to if you want like I'm not holding you back heheee.

I hope you enjoyed it bye bye <3

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