Chapter - 9

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I was left alone. My hands were starting to feel numb and i was constantly thinking about his blood.

I don't know why but i just needed more of it. At this point I didn't care that i was locked up anymore. No the blood is more important.

I need it. The taste i got when it touched my mouth is so addicting. Everything felt more in peace after i drank it as well.

Being busy thinking about it I wasn't aware of the person that was slowly coming down the stairs.

I guess that's what the blood does to someone. Make them feel calm and happy in a way.

But if i knew then what i know now i would've never drank that blood.

Hoseok's pov

"Are we almost there?" I asked my driver Poddrick.

"A few more minutes sir" he said in a calm voice.

He was the only person who was under my command who wasn't scared of me. I also didn't trust anyone as much as i trust him.

"How is your dog doing Pod" i asked him. You see his dog got very sick a while ago and I don't want him to die. I am an animal lover after all.

They are alot better than humans. Take me for example.

"He is doing better. He's resting at home i hope they'll take good care of him, sir" Pod said.

"We arrived sir." He announced.

"Good make sure someone takes my stuff upstairs. You know the way to your room. You should rest after the long drive Pod" i always let him rest if we have to drive for a long time.

I stepped out of the car and looked at the big castle in front of me.

I sniffed the air "ahh the dirty air of a rich bastard" i said while looking at Yoongi with a smirk.

"I missed u to Hoseok" he told me and came over to give me a hand.

"So why did u let me drive all the way over here now?" I asked him in a bored tone.

"I need you to help me get some sense into one someone" yoongi told me in a serious tone.

"So you let me drive all the way here just to torture someone. Yoongi i'm sure you could do that just fine" i told not being happy he brought me here for a mere human who went out of line.

"I could but you are way more creative when it comes to humans. And i need her to think i'm the good one here." He told me

"We both know u are far worse then me or anyone for that matter. Why do you even want her to think that she's just a human." I was getting more pissed. I don't like to drive all the way here for stupid stuff.

"Because she needs to listen to me. Not out of fear for me but out of fear for the others. She needs to think i'm trying to help her. I need her to love me." When Yoongi said that i was shocked the word love doesn't just come out of his mouth usually.

"Are you insane! She is a human you can't love her and she can't love you. You know that Yoongi."

"We both saw what happened to Jimin when he fell in love with that girl." I told him

"I know but she's different i know i-" i cut off his sentence.

"With all due respect my lord. But tell me what happened to Jimin when he tried to mix the throne and a human?" I asked him but he remained silent.

"The others were furious and stripped him of all titles, made him YOUR slave and killed the girl in front of him. Or have u forgotten the look in his face when you claimed the throne by killing her off." I know he is still cares for Jimin that's why i'm telling him this.

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