Chapter 3 Shen Yue's guide to leaving a great second impression (from YY's POV)

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'So now we definitely know that you have a very high level of chemistry. I'm worried it can explode' Lin said looking completely shocked.

Angie had a big smile on her face and it was obvious that she was proud of herself. After all, it was her who had casted us. I could feel it too, we clicked. Although I didn't know him, our connection was immediately very strong. It got me excited for further working with him.

I remembered the effort I'd needed to make in my previous drama with Hu Yitian. We didn't have any chemistry right away. Slowly, it had happened for us too, we had finally matched and had been becoming more and more involved with each other, but that was in the past. I didn't want to think of Yitian, it would easily destroy a little success I had with Wang He Di, just then.

'Let's go meet the rest of the cast' Angie proposed. Lin finally gathered himself.
'Yeah, let's go.'

Wang He Di waited till I got up and walked beside me to the door, which he held as I passed him. Such a nice guy. I thought.

One thing threw me off, though. Surprisingly he was looking everywhere else but on me, which was strange considering our great session. I decided not to put too much thought into it, hoping that he was just being shy.

As we entered the open space, I spotted Kuan Hong right away. We'd done one show together two years ago, I knew him a little. We had exchanged couple texts since. He saw me too and greeted me with a genuine smile, from the distance. It was so nice to see a familiar face.

Unconsciously, I looked at Wang He Di and found him staring at me again. Blankly or maybe there was something in his gaze, but I was far from getting any idea of what it was. This time he quickly looked away. What is happening with this guy? Where does his smirk go all of a sudden? I contemplated.

When we approached the group, the small talks and hands shaking began. I noticed that Wang He Di was an extremely active person, talking a lot, moving, goofing around, smiling with a very sincere smile to everyone, he was all over the place. That could get annoying I thought, but right then I was loving his energy and warmth.

Liang Jing Kang, Wu Xize, the remaining members of F4 seemed very nice, as well as Liu Yinhao, the boy who was casted to play Shancai's friend Qinghe.

All the boys were quickly teased by Wang He Di. He was a little preserved with the female part of the cast, but I was sure not for long.

Two girls Li Jiaqi and Dong Xin were both around my age and I instantly grew found of them.

Kuan Hong and I talked a lot during this encounter. To be frank, it was rather me, who talked a lot. Kuan Hong, as I found out, was not a very talkative person. We were being friendly with each other, though. I even gently hit his arm a couple times, what was followed by mutual laugh.

The whole time I had a feeling that I was being observed, but as I turned to check the others I didn't see anyone looking in my direction.

'So, you are going to be a star at this series now.' Kuan Hong said jokingly.

'Yeah, I'm sure.., considering I look like a garbage person, compare to all of you guys' I sighed looking around, this time I caught Wang He Di staring, but he quickly broke the eye contact, only confirming being caught again.

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