Chapter 6 Patio (from Didi's POV)

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I almost remember my exact thoughts from that moment. They went something like Aaaaaah, what to do? What am I doing? She's in my arms. I can feel her. Calm down. I can smell her hair. Please stop sniffing her head. You're a real creep, exactly like she said. Oh gosh, don't get excited. She will feel it, just like she feels your speeding heart right now.

'You know you're not all that' she finished with a cute hiccup.

'I really am, She Yue, you can't just see it yet' she didn't respond.

I felt her face suddenly touching my chest. I held my breath. My heart was about to jump out of the ribcage. I really didn't understand it, I had held at least 3 equally beautiful girls like that before and never felt so restless. I had been aroused, but not like this. Everything in me was in a state of panic, ready to explode. And I sniffed her head again, like a total crazy person.

The closeness of her warm body was so overwhelming. I used my entire energy to push all the nasty thoughts away. I focused on the trust she must have put in me, when she'd laid her head on my chest, and when she hadn't tried to get out of my embrace. That was quite comforting, the fact that she had hated when Hong'd touched her and now she was letting me hug her just like that. She'd even thought I'd smelled nice. After few cigarettes, a whole day of rehearsing and a party with alcohol, I'd smelled nice to her.

On the other hand she was completely drunk, therefore the so called trust I was that much proud of, could have easily been temporary or not even real.

As I was holding her, trying to suppress an inevitable erection, I felt she was getting heavier. Her arms had fallen down her body, making her full breast unexpectedly fall onto chest. And it was a lot for me to handle, back then. To feel her this way against my body. The inevitable became a reality. And a need to get out of this embarrassing moment started to be a priority.

'Shen Yue?' Silence. 'Shen Yue?'

'Mhmm... ' Unfortunately, her drowsy muttering wasn't any indication of actual consciousness on her side.

I reached down for her legs, lifted her from the floor and carried her to the room. I'm not gonna lie, she felt a little heavy for me, but I also was not very big in my upper body. So I took a notice and noted down in my mind to work out more.

I put her on a bed in a sitting position, just to get rid of that big jacket she had on. Realized again how unconscious she was, when she fell sideways on the bed with her legs still on the floor, right after I took this stupid jacket off. That was a reality check for me, not to be a perv and not to take any more of her clothes.

Instead I began the process of taking her boots off.

'Mmmh, stop' she muttered. Something about her raspy, dozy voice was very intimate. I felt out of place and wanted to take her shoes off and quicly vanished, so I wouldn't invade her privacy further more.

'Oh come on, you can't sleep in your shoes' I was convincing her.

'Stop... you're hurting me...' she sounded wary, but also asleep. She was dreaming.

'How can I hurt you? I'm just untying your shoelace' and I continued to do so.

'Please... it hurts....' she started to move her arms like she was trying to break free from someone holding her. I immediately let go of her shoes completely.

'Hu Yitian let me go' she said firmly.

Isn't Hu Yitian her ex costar? I thought. I tried to come up with an explanation for what had just happened, but became confused straight away.

She was still moving and tossing, her face visibly grimacing and I felt a pain in my chest. Trying not to analyze it too much, though, I decided to go for a easiest way out - wake her up from the nightmare.

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