Chapter 7 The hangover mixed with guilt (from Yue Yue's POV)

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After taking a shower I felt like a new person. The morning was pretty bad for me. The hangover had hit me hard. Not only due to a head ache and terrible nausea, but also because I was feeling guilty about getting so drunk. Thanks God for Jiaqi Li, who had come to check on me and brought pain killers and some isotonic. She literally saved my day. The guilt was also extended to the patio moment with Wang He Di. I didn't exactly remeber what had happened, but I was sure I was regretting all of it.

Maybe except the overpowering warmth I felt in his arms. That was something I had never endured before. The guy whom I'd known for a day gave me a sense of safety, I had once had when I a little child and had gradually lost while growing up. I didn't understand, how I could have the connection like that with him, by that time already. Maybe beacause I was too focused on not thinking about Wang He Di too much.

When I woke up I was fully dressed, even wearing boots. So, it made me little less anxious about confronting him today.

As I felt much better than before the breakfast which I had skipped, I decided to join the crew at the dinner.

I got down ealier, so I was alone at the table, sitting glued to my phone. Not that long after I came, I heard the first 'egrhm'. It was Didi, of course. Who else?

The fate was always putting me in those situations with him. I put my phone on the table and smiled warmly. To my surprise, it came very genuinely to me, not strained at all. I had been thinking, I would be forced to fake a smile, due to my anxiety over our patio encounter. Instead I was so at ease when I saw him, that my face was naturally beaming in his direction. He responded with, what it seemed, an equally candid smile.

'Hi' I said inaudibly.

'Hi. How are you feeling?' The concern in his soft voice was real.

'I'm fine, I feel so much better after the shower.' Right after hearing this, he spluttered so severely, that it looked life threatening. The choking was pretty bad. He was punching his chest with the fist and then coughing for long enough, that Xize Wu and Liang Jing Kang were able to joined us.

' Didi are you ok?' Kang started to gently tap his back.

'I think he's fine. He's just allergic to showers, apparently.' I laughted at my joke, but all three of them looked at me like they saw a ghost, while Wang He Di continued to cough.

As Kang glimpsed at me, it seemed he had something to say, but instead of spilling it, he glared at Didi, who was still struggling with his breath. I saw Didi almost invisibly shaking his head. And that was suspicious enought for me to question it.

'Kang do you have something to say to me?' He panicked and quickly moved the attention to Didi.

'No, but I think Wang He Di has.' I redirected my question then.

'Do you?'

'No.' It was so obvious he lied, but at the time I wasn't digging deeper for the truth. I just stared at him blankly, almost without blinking, enjoying the pressure I was putting on him this way. His face was in the shade of magenta pink and his eyes were searching for a dust all over the dinning room, avoiding me to the point of ridiculousness.

Xize was amused with the whole situation, but didn't explained it to me either.
I noticed that my hangover was stronger than my curiosity, so I temporarily let it go.

We were about to have afternoon rehearsing session. And I wasn't going to be distracted with some teenage boys' games.


One of many scenes Angie wanted us to do that day was Daoming Si telling Sancai about cooking competition (ep 12) . I was sceptical about it, because the relation between us supposed to be intimate, what included some touching and being in close distance from each other. Wang He Di after dinner episode was avoiding me like the plague and I wasn't able to talk this scene through with him.

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