Chapter 18 Friend's advice (from Didi's POV)

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When I entered the room, I saw Xize Wu on the couch, reading the script.

'Hey.' He greeted me.

'Hey.... I'm drunk.'

'I can see that. Were you spending time with Shen Yue again?'

'Yes.' I wanted to say more, to confide in a friend, to get some advice from him, but yes was the only thing I said.

'But you're still not together.' He concluded.


'Is she playing you?' I loved the bluntness of this guy.

'In what way?'

'Is she like a player?' Wu had always a great way of putting things.

'Not really. I don't think so. I think she likes me, but she's too afraid to even admit that to herself.' I really believed that.

'Likes you? Do you like her?' Wu asked curiously.

'Yes. I just told her, a second ago, by the door, that I'm in love with her.' I confessed.


'Yep, I did that!'

'Why in the world would you do that?' He whined.

'Because it's true! For a long time now and it was a burden for me to keep it a seceret. I finally got it off my chest.'

'And how did she react?'

'As usual.' I laughed bitterly. 'Like I didn't say it. She downplayed it to me being drunk.'

'Oh man, that sucks.'

'I know. I'm a mess, because of that woman.' I was slowly opening up to him about my girl's problems.

'Did you ask her to go out with you and she declined?'

'No, but she emphasized at multiple occasions that we are just friends.'

'And you fell for her, even though.'

'It's because she is sending me the mixed signals. I can feel she likes me a lot. I'm not gonna go into details, but believe me, she wants me.'

'You're a handsome guy. Maybe just physically? Ever thought about it?' He pointed out the possibility, I was most afraid of.

'Yeah maybe. I don't know. I think she has some fucked up trust issues, because of her previous relationship and I understand why.'

'Why?' He was suddenly very intrested.

'She told me a little about it. Very shitty guy, screwed her up. And now that's taking a tool on me. Of course, I fell for the most complicated and hard to get person here.' I complained.

'Maybe just consider it a challenge.' Wu proposed.

'Yeah.... You know... I fucked up today.' I decided to tell him the ugliest truth.


'I let go off all the control and forced a kiss on her...' It sounded even more ugly out loud.

'Wooh. Dude! What the hell?' He exclaimed, agitated.

'... and I was rightfully slapped in a face for that.'

'No wonder.'

'I know.'

'Why did you do it?' He was really concerned.

'I wanted to kiss her, finally.' I admitted.

'What? Was that like your first kiss?'

'Yes. We have never kissed before.' When I said it, I realized how strange it was.

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