Chapter 10 Gathering (from Didi's POV)

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The moment my hand touched her thigh had a powerful impact on me. That was most intimate we had ever been with each other. Even though we had already hugged and I had seen her naked, this was different. We both were conscious, both acknowledged what was happening. And she had finally forgiven me. Those three days without her wanting to connect took forever. My heart was jumping out of my ripcage and it was so hard to hide. When she looked up at me she probably saw the dumbest and happiest grin on my stupid face. What I saw, was a beautiful face with curious expression. For a split second I thought she might push my hand away, but she didn't. There was definitely newly established trust she put in me again. She was letting me touch her. The image of her breast shot through my mind and that made the situation out of control for me. I needed to focus on something else as soon as possible, so that the desire wouldn't eat me alive right in front of her.

To make matters worse she came to the party in very fashionable sweat pants, with no make up on. She had a hoodie that led me to believe, she was also braless. Like what the fuck was she thinking? My train of thought couldn't get any simpler. Braless! Braless breasts inches away from my hands. Besides there was always something about stylish tomboy chicks I couldn't resist. The only thing she was missing was a skateboard. No makeup showed how gorgeous her face actually was. Her skin was just flawless. Each time I saw her she seemed even prettier than before.

To get my mind off of her chest and her overall beauty, I came up with the idea of the game. I flipped my hand upside down, while still on her thigh and waited for her to join. As she laid her hand on mine I felt some gears moved in me. The touch so light I felt so strongly. Our eyes met and my gaze showed pure admiration. I still didn't realized though that I fell for her already. And that there was no escape from it. The power she had over me was irreversible. I was hers from the moment I met her and I am hers till this day.

'You want me to play kids' game with you?' She sneered.

'Let's just start with kids' game so we could move to adults' one next.' I meant it as a joke, but she didn't laugh, she just stared at me, making me feel ashamed of what I had said.

When I finally said 'sorry' she run her fingers on my hand prompting me to play.

We played for a while, stopping to sip our drinks. That really helped me not to think about her body. We were just having fun as friends and I was loving the moment. For the time it lasted I was free from all the emotion I was feeling because of her.

'Stop, you're impossible!' She yelled through uncontaminated chuckle, that was the most beautiful thing I had ever heard. Shen Yue's laughing formed my new obsession with her right away. I instantly became addicted and wanted to hear it all the time.

I was pushed on my chest as I began to treat her more like a brother and stopped paying attention to the strength I was using.

'Ouch, it hurts!' She stroked her hand after my slap.

'Sorry, sorry.' I tried to stroke it too, but got pushed away again. My short-lived freedom from desire was over as I was about to witness the following.

'It's getting too hot to stay in a hoodie.' She said, already tipsy, raising her hands to take it off.

'No, it's not, you're just drunk.' I panicked and tried to save myself somehow, even though I was standing there in a thin t-shirt.

It happend for me in a slow motion, her taking the hoodie off. Like in some underwear commercials. She had white tank top with no bra underneath. It was baggy, but she tucked its bottom in her pants, so I could easily catch the shape of her breasts. In no time there was something I needed to hide immediately. And I made a huge mistake of stepping right between her thighs, so the kitchen cabinets and the counter could cover my awaken manhood.

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