C u a t r o

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Dr. Clemens continued to talk the whole class period, he explained about comfort and kindness to a patient, especially when their sensitive, he said while looking at me.

He gave me a lecture on coffee and how it stains your teeth, all information I know and have heard before.

He started to clean up his area that he set up for the demonstration, but he never reclined the chair back up. So I was just laying there, I knew I was getting stared at by everybody. 

He looks at his watch and eventually leans the chair back up.

"That's all for today, class dismissed." He said as students grabbed their belongings and rushed out the door.

I began to sat up from laying on the chair, but Dr. Clemens pushed my shoulders back down. 

I sighed and started to pick at my hangnails once again. 

Dr. Clemens got a new set of dental tools out.

"How long?" He asked, looking at me before washing his hands.

I didn't say anything until he looked back at me again.

"A month."

He looked at me in disbelief as his eyes grew wide.

I looked away from him, embarrassed, and knowing that he was disappointed in me.

"You know how bad it could get within a month. Why didn't you say anything? Why didn't you go to any of your family?" He was definitely disappointed in me.

I just shrugged my shoulders.

"You know, I'm going to have to fix it right now." He said. I was shocked, why now.

"What? Why?" I asked, freaking out.

"I couldn't consider myself your dental professor if I was just going to let you walk out, scot free with a cavity. You know it will only get worse and become more of a problem." He explained, I mean, he wasn't wrong.

I nodded and let him lean the chair back, not ready to face my professor and his scary dental tools, that I myself will use one day. 

"Open, please." He asked, as I hesitantly opened my mouth. He had to use his gloved fingers to push down my chin to open my mouth further.

I, again, closed my eyes, to make sure not to face his scolding ones.

It was moments later, until I felt a sharp pain in my mouth where Dr. Clemens pokes at my cavity with the slightest touch. I tried my hardest not to close my mouth, becuase his fingers and tools were still trying to examine my teeth. 

A tear started to roll my cheek and I was about to break down crying.

Thankfully, he takes his fingers and everything out of my mouth, letting me finally close my mouth.

 Although, I'm not thankful that he stopped, it was too early to stop, so obviously something was wrong.

"What?" I immediately said, something was up.

"The cavity is in tooth 19 in your lower left quadrant, but I don't see why you were so sensitive, so we're going to have to go to the clinic so that I could properly fix it and get you x-rays." He explained.

Great, so my freaking dental professor has to take me to his clinic, where his students work, so that he could fix my teeth. 

I dread the short walk with him over there, I thought about running but what good would that do.

At least Dr. Clemens didn't try and make conversation the whole time.

We approached his clinic and there was multiple students of his that were already working and I knew at least 5 of them. As I soon as I saw them, I mentally groaned.

This is gonna be fun.



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Have an amazing day!

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