V e i n t i c u a t r o

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Dr. Haim started working on preparing the IV and syringe behind Noah's head, away from him because he seemed so nervous.

"Ok Mr. Grey, you are going to be under for only about 15 minutes. So just relax." Dr. Haim said as he started to inspect Noah's arms for a good vein.

Noah started straight at me as Dr. Haim grabbed the needle and wiped the crook of Noah's elbow, he immediately tensed.

As Noah tried his hardest to keep on staring at me and to not even dare take a peek at the needle his heart rate slowly began to rise.

Nobody in our class did anything or say anything, they were just watching in silence.

"Hey, Mr. Grey, relax, you're fine." Dr. Haim said to Noah before he inserted the needle into his skin.

Noah squeezed his eyes shut and his heart rate jumped.

Dr. Haim taped down the IV and gave Noah the anesthetic through a syringe into the IV.

Noah's heartbeat gradually slowed back to normal and he seemed to become more out of it. He wasn't asleep, but he was kinda just chilling there.

"Mr. Grey, how are you feeling?" Dr. Haim asked, in which Noah slowly looked at the anesthesiologist and gave me a weak thumbs up.

Dr. Haim smirked showing that it worked.

"While Mr. Grey just chills, I'll start to end my little spiel here. Usually when General is given, analgesia is given as well for the pain, or local is given to numb the pain. Usually during wisdom teeth extraction, if you pull 4 teeth then the patient is under for around 30 minutes. And that's basically it." Dr. Haim ended as he looked to Dr. Clemens.

"Any questions for Dr. Haim?" Dr. Clemens asked as a few hands went up.

Dr. Haim answered questions as Dr. Clemens cleaned up.

Instead of paying attention to what was happening, I watched Noah, who just zoning out of it and messing with his hands.

Finally the 15 minutes was up and Dr. Haim and Dr. Clemens went to check up on Noah.

"Mr. Grey?" Dr. Haim asked to Noah.

"Earth to Mr. Grey." Dr. Clemens said to get his attention.

"Mr. Grey? How are you feeling?" Dr. Haim asked again, as they took off the heart beat clip and unhooked him from the monitors.

Noah slowly sat up.

"Uh, okay, I guess." He answered quietly.

"Class dismissed." Dr. Clemens announced as all the students filed out of the classroom, except for me, I was going to wait for Noah.

The two medical professionals slowly got Noah up and standing, he seemed really unsteady.

They started to discuss how to handle Noah since he was still really out of it.

I took that as my cue to go down to them.

As I got down to the front of the classroom, they got the cue that I was going to help Noah leave.

"He's still groggy, but if he doesn't get better soon bring him in with you." Dr. Haim told me before I slipped my arm around Noah and slowly started towards the door.

What did he mean by bring him with you...

I felt my phone vibrate in my back pocket, I checked it just in case and saw a notification from the Chief's app, appointment at 10:30.

Crap, that's what Dr. Haim was talking about, my appointment with the Chief for my heart.

I totally forgot about it and it's in 7 minutes.

What am I gonna do with Noah, I can't just leave him by himself.

Welp, I hope the Chief is okay with Noah coming to the appointment with me.

So funny story, some of my chapters got out of order, I think I fixed the situation, but if something doesn't seem right, check the numbers.

Also, the numbers are in Spanish, so I'm going to start putting the numbers in English at the beginning of the chapter, just in case you don't know.

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