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I immediately looked at the side table and saw the nurse's button, I quickly grabbed it.

I must've pressed the button at least 5 times before a nurse walked into my room.

"You're supposed to be resting." The nurse lectured.

"Has anybody come to visit me? Anybody? A college girl, perhaps?" I asked, desperately hoping that Willow came to see me.

"You haven't had any visitors, I'm sorry. But you need to rest and sleep off all the medicine in your system." The nurse said, before looking at my vitals one more time and then leaving.

I can't believe Willow hasn't come to visit me.

I wonder if she's mad at me.

What have I done to make her mad at me.

As I started thinking about what I could've done to make Willow upset, the medicines pulled me into a deep sleep.

I see Willow's innocent and gorgeous eyes.

The only sense of humanity shown of Willow as she looks at me in a dentist mask.

She looks so gorgeous.

Her straight, beautiful locks pulling back into a tight bun, making her look so professional.

I don't even realize where I'm at, I was too busy concentrating on Willow, but now I see I'm in a dentists chair?

Wait, why am I in a dentists chair.

And why is Willow wearing a mask.

Is Willow my dentist.

How did I get into this position.

Bryan comes out of nowhere, appearing next to Willow.

He's wearing his scrubs and Willow and him start to cuddle and flirt.

What is happening.

Bryan and Willow both got a set of gloves on and both approach me as the snaps of their gloves' echo through the room.

Bryan is on my left side and Willow is on my right side, they whisper to each other as I feel like I am constricted on the chair.

I look down at my arms, to see my whole entire body strapped down onto the dentists' chair by Bryan.

"Open your mouth, baby." Willow mocked as she and Bryan both approached me with the sharpest dentist tools that exist.

I started to feel like I was 5 again, at my horrid dentist who just wanted to hurt me.

I just wish I could sink into the chair and escape everything.

Willow approached me with a mouth prop and I looked down at the excruciating pain coming from my hand, seeing Bryan smashing my hand once again.

I was in pain, from my broken hand, to seeing Willow want to hurt me, to just seeing Willow with anybody else, especially someone that wanted to jeopardize my only future, Willow and dentistry.

I couldn't handle this anymore.

I wanted to escape this pain.

I needed to escape this pain.

But before anything else could happen, I actually woke up, seeing a very bright room that made me want to close my eyes again and I saw my hand still in a very tight cast.

There was not a single person in sight, not even my Willow.

Where's my sweet tooth.



Well this chapter was crazy, just like my day was.

Anywho, I tried to do like a dream turned nightmare thing, I don't know how it really worked out though.

So if you're super confused, I'm sorry.

I can explain it again, if you don't get it.

Thanks for reading, commenting, and voting!!!


The Dental StudentTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang