S e t e n t a y c u a t r o

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Noah's POV

I was just trying to help Willow and switch out her gauze, but my hand started to shake out of literally no where and I dropped her gauze out of shock.

"What the hell?" I exclaimed loudly and grabbed my hand.

It stopped shaking, so maybe it was just random or something.

I went to grab the gauze and try again.

I folded the gauze and went to go place it in the back of her mouth, and my hand started to shake again, and I couldn't do anything about it.

Willow took the gauze from me and put them in herself.

I didn't know what was happening.

If my hand was shaking like this on Wednesday, I would surely fail, and that can't happen.

Willow opened google translate to tell me what she was trying to say.

What do you think it is, I can text the Chief.

Google translate said, Willow looking hopefully at me.

"I'm fine. It's no biggie." I said, getting a head shake from Willow.

"Hey do you need anything before I leave to go get you food?" I asked.

Willow shook her head no so I kissed her before I left.

"Love you, I'll be back." I said as I walked out the door.

I was going to get Willow food.

But I was also going to make a "quick" run to the hospital.

I actually did run to the hospital though, that way I didn't waste time and Willow wouldn't be suspicious.

I ran up to the main hospital desk asking one of the nurses to page Dr. Mullins, the guy who did the surgery for my hand, maybe he knows what's going on.

I anxiously tapped waiting at the nurses desk, until I saw a familiar figure come my way.

Dr. Mullins looked at the nurses, who glanced towards me.

"Noah, right? You had a shattered hand." He asked for clarification as I just nodded my head.

"What can I do for you?" He asked, seeming impatient.

"It seems I've developed a tremor and I have a dental exam on Wednesday that's very vital to my future." I explained, not seeing a change in his facial expression.

"Let's go talk in my office." He suggested.

I really needed to get back to Willow, but I also really need my problem fixed.

I'll go for 10 minutes and then leave, that way it's not too long.

I followed behind Dr. Mullins to the elevator up one floor to his office.

When we get there, he motioned for me to take a seat.

"Tell me, Noah. Are you stressed in any way?" He asked me.

Was he kidding me.

Was he serious right now.

Did he really not hear about my dental exam that's vital to my future.

"Uh, yeah, maybe a little."

"Are you getting enough sleep?" He continued for ask.

"I'm a college student with finals in the next two weeks." I responded.

"Maybe your tremor is just caused by stress and lack of sleep. Did you do the physical therapy?"

"Some but then life got really hectic." I mumbled out.

"Here's what I suggest do the physical therapy and try to take a breather and in two weeks, if that doesn't help, come back and we'll talk about this more and maybe get you an MRI and an appointment with a neuroscientist." He explained as I began to get up from my chair before I stopped.

"An MRI? Why, I thought this was your specialty?" I asked confused, while referring to my hand.

"Sometimes tremors have a neurological issue behind them, it's not just an orthopedic thing. Now go get some rest and stop stressing yourself out." Dr. Mullins said as I made my way out the door.

I walked down the halls near the exit of the hospital, hoping that Willow wouldn't be suspicious of time away, until I stopped in my tracks and saw the one person I totally forgot about avoiding.



Hello there, long time no see.

Who do you think the person is????

You should definitely check out Living My Fear and my random 5SOS Request book.


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