V e i n t i s é i s

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As 2 months past, my heart was becoming more stable and it was nearing the end of the semester.

The most critical point of the year was coming up, the dental finals to become a student dentist.

Finals are legit only a month away and I've been studying like crazy.

And last night, like all the other nights this week, I pulled an all nighter studying patient care and injection preparations.

I was so behind on sleep that I woke up so late this morning that I was going to be late for Dr. Clemens class, once again.

I got ready and basically ran to the lecture hall, hoping that Dr. Clemens wouldn't make me "embarrass myself".

But boy, was I wrong.

As soon as I opened the door he immediately stopped me.

"Ah Ms. Samuels, late once again. Please delight us with your random dancing since you decided to interrupt my announcements." Dr. Clemens spoke, making eye contact with me.

I did as said, I mean, dancing is fine, I really don't care, but I just wish I had some more music.

As I was dancing to randomness Dr. Clemens continued to talk to our class about something.

However, I saw Noah sneak a few peeks my way and decided to dance a little bit seductively toward him, I mean why not, if I'm just supposed to be dancing here.

I'm the midst of getting a few whistles and winks, I heard Dr. Clemens mention the schedule for the next month.

"As you know, your finals are coming up and if you pass your White Coat Ceremony to become official Student Dentists will be around a week later. If you don't pass, you are always welcome to take the year over again." Dr. Clemens explained as I just casually flossed on the side of the lecture hall.

Oh god, I hope I can pass Dr. Clemens exam.

His final consists of a written portion and a demonstration on a dental dummy.

I mean, I've been studying like crazy, but what if I don't pass it.

What if I have to take this whole year over again.

What if I have to endure his torture for a whole year, again.

What if I fail every single year.

I can't do this again.

I have to pass.

I just....

I have to.....

But before I could worry any more, my whole world went black and I felt myself falling before I lost all consciousness.

N o a h

I was watching Willow's hot body dance as Dr. Clemens was boring our whole class about our finals and so forth.

As Willow seemed to be in deep thought as she was slowly flossing, her body seemed to swerve a little bit side to side.

She didn't look good, I was starting to worry.

Her eyes began to roll to the back her head before she fell to the floor.

I wasn't even paying attention to Dr. Clemens anymore and I immediately rushed to Willow who now laid unconscious on the floor.

I checked for her pulse and heart beat, which she both had, but just not as strong.

I looked at Dr. Clemens who just stood at the front of the classroom, appearing mad that Willow "interrupted his lecture my fainting".

"Dr. Clemens, we need to help her. We need to get her to a hospital." I started to freak out.

"She's fine, she just passed out from exhaustion probably, she'll wake up in a few seconds." He said, which is complete bs.

I stayed by her side, waiting one minute to see if she would wake up according to Dr. Clemens.

When she didn't wake up and Dr. Clemens didn't do anything, I grabbed my bag along with her bag and picked her up, bridal style, running out the door towards the hospital.

I ran as fast as I could towards the hospital, trying my best not to drop Willow or trip or anything that would end bad for both of us.

I made the 5 minute walk to the hospital, a 2 minute run while not bumping into anybody.

I would occasionally look down at Willow to see if she woke up, but I had no luck, which made me want to run faster.

I found my way into the ER and ran up to the nurses station.

"I need the Chief of Surgery!"

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