T r e i n t a y cinco

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After Dr. Carraway left, a nurse came and hooked me up to a pulse reader, heart monitor, and put on a blood pressure cuff.

Noah tried to stay with me for part of the night, but he has 7 am classes tomorrow so I told him to go home and sleep so that he doesn't pull a me and show up late to class.

I fell asleep sometime after 10, but only to be awoken by the Chief manually checking my pulse.

"Good morning, sleepy head." He said as he went to update my chart.

I grabbed my phone from the bed stand and saw a text from Noah.

From Cutie 😘❤️

Good morning. Love you! See you at noon. 😍

I looked up from my phone to the Chief.

"Where's Dr. Carraway?" I asked the Chief, wondering why he was in my room taking my pulse.

"Oh, I told her I would come wake you up. And because I want you to know that I was with you through the beginning and I will see you through till your cancer free and even after that." The Chief explained as he took his stethoscope off and checked the rest of my vitals.

"It's 10:30, right now. So in 5 minutes you have your first round of chemo, which Dr. Carraway will administer when we meet her in there." 

I just nodded my head in reply as the Chief walked out of my room and came back with a wheelchair.

He carefully transported me into the wheelchair and we were off towards some room still on the cancer level.

As the Chief wheeled me into the room, I saw around 5 other people sitting in chairs dispersed around the room.

As the Chief moved me to the back corner of the room towards Dr. Carraway, I saw a girl about my age with blonde hair reading a book in the seat across from Dr. Carraway.

As Dr. Carraway saw me approach she tapped the girl's book which made the girl look up.

"Willow, this is Sydney. Sydney, this is Willow." Dr. Carraway said, introducing me with the blondie.

I smiled, but then immediately took it back as soon as I realized that I probably looked like a freak for a senior in college to have braces.

The Chief and Dr. Carraway helped me situate into the chair and the Chief left, wishing me best wishes.

Dr. Carraway positioned my arm on the arm rest and got an alcoholic wipe to sanitize the crook of my arm.

I saw a glimpse of the needle that Dr. Carraway was trying to hide from me, and let me just say that it was a big needle.

"That needle is much bigger than even a dental numbing needle, and those things are huge and scary." I exclaimed to Dr. Carraway, not taking my eyes off of the needle.

"It'll help if you just don't look at it." The random nerdy girl, Sydney said across from me.

I looked at her and felt the needle plunge into my skin.

"Thank for for the distraction, Sydney. I'll be right over there if you need anything, just relax for half an hour and then you'll be done for today." Dr. Carraway said as she walked towards the other end of the room.

That girl is such a goody two shoes and teachers pet, but for a doctor.

"So I hear you're a senior dental student." Sydney said, not looking up from her book.

"Yeah, what about you?" I asked, unsure about this girl's whole vibe.

"Senior psychology student, I live a few doors down from your dorm." She said, quickly looking up from her book to see my reaction.

 But she quickly returned to her book. I guess her book was more important than talking to a basic human being.

I took out my phone not knowing what to do with myself for the next half an hour.

So, I texted Noah, 

Get here faster, I'm bored! Can't wait to see you later. 😘

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