Chapter 2

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I drive around town till it gets dark.

I just remembered that I should probably get gas.

As I pull up to the gas station I realize that I didn't bring any money.

Damn it.

I didn't think this through well enough when I was leaving.

Probably should've taken my wallet.

I'm not about to go 'home.'

Hell no.

Back home to those liars?

I'd rather walk around Sacramento on foot.

You know what?

That's what I'll do!

But...OK I feel like an idiot.

I should've asked what their names are!

That probably would've helped me out a little.

What am I gonna do?

Show up to everyones door like. "Hi my name's Ian Hecox, are you my parents?"


Not gonna do that.

So what next...maybe I could go to the public library and see if I can research any information.

On my family tree..I mean maybe there's something there.

Or I could ask the people there if anyone under the name of "Hecox," Has registered there. their last name even Hecox?

Ughh...I hate thinking!

I'm just going to walk there anyways.

I think I could use a walk right now anyways.

I might want to lock my car first.

Ya no one steals it.

OK, remember Ian, you parked your car at the gas station, don't forget that.

Alright, now time to walk.

Plenty of time to think.

I really just don't understand.

I'd think this would be important enough information to tell me sooner?

Every card I have given to my supposed "mom" on mothers day is just a lie now.

Every single thing my "father" taught me now wasn't even actually taught by my real father.

Or going to my "parents" room when I was little during a thunderstorm for that safe feeling.

You don't feel that warm nostalgic feeling over these things anymore when you know it was all a lie.

Every single thing about that.

All a lie.

It just doesn't even make any sense.

If I were them I wouldn't be able to keep a secret like that for so long!

I mean and I've always known my mom sucks at keeping secrets, how did she keep this one!?

OK, now I'm just giving myself a headache thinking about all of this shit.

Wait, do we even have a public library?

Show's how much I know about where I live.

Am I right?

Or am I right?

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