Chapter 10

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It's beginning to get dark again. Fucking great. I kept feeling like maybe we'd make a bit more progress, but no matter what, I would always just find out five seconds later that I'm only kidding myself.

"Ok...night 2." I whisper to myself. My feet are aching from walking so much. I'm sure we've walked at least for 6 hours with no breaks now. 

For California, it is freezing. Or....hell...wherever the fuck we even are. Who even knows anymore. We have been walking, climbing, crawling, to god knows where for hours now.

We're getting hungrier by the minute, thirstier, more exhausted, and it's just not a great situation when it comes to the fact that I don't want to die.

I feel a cold breeze brush past and I chatter my teeth a little. It is so freezing, I am probably going to get hypothermia. I regret leaving my jacket back there now.

I hear Anthony quickly take off his sweatshirt he has been wearing, as I look over to him, "Please, just take it." He says, with his sweatshirt in his hand, looking at me with big, concerned puppy eyes.

"Anthony..I-I can't." I can't let him do that, he only has short sleeves on underneath, while I have a long sleeved shirt.

"I-I you have to. You'll freeze to death.." He says, in between big shivers. "So will you!" I yell, but not in a harsh tone, "Please Anthony...just keep it." I say in between shivers. "You know what?" Anthony says, as he quickly shoves it into my arms, "I insist." He says, sternly this time.

He is even more persistent then me, I am to tired to fight him any longer, and besides, I can sneak it back on him later, "T-thanks.." I say, quietly. He smiles, and he brushes some dirt off his sweatshirt, causing him to rub me on the chest, giving me a boner. 'STAY DOWN!' I think to myself.

He rubs his arms, "Ugh anyways...I just want something to eat...I'm starving."

I notice a bridge. It looks creeky, and unsafe, but on the other side I see something amazing.

I see fruit and a waterfall. It's like paradise. "A...Anthony, do you see that?" Anthony looks over and gasps, "There is a god.." He whispers to himself.

"I'm just a little concerned about the bridge is all.." I say, worriedly. Anthony nods, "Well, it's either we take our chances or starve to death. What's your safest bet?"

I sigh, "Well neither way sounds safe but I'm just so desperate.." I say quietly.

"Come on, I've went past worst looking bridges before.." Anthony says, "All we have to do is step on it lightly..don't run. Don't panic, don't shake. Just slowly, and steadily walk accross this, and we'll be done in no time." 

"Ok.." I say, heading towards the bridge. I look down, which is something I shouldn't have done. I am such an idiot. "I-No-I-I-I can't Anthony.." I say, backing away with worry filling my voice.

"Here, how about I go first.." He says quietly, as he takes his first step onto the bridge, and right away i hear a creak. "Shit.." I hear his whisper. "He-he-here A-Anthony we can just.." "Shh!" He whispers loudly. "'ll be ok.." He whispers back to me. He slowly takes his second step as I hear another creak, even louder this time. "Anthony!" I yell, out of spite. "Shut up!" He whisper yells. 

I am cringing as he makes his way to the middle of the bridge, "I'm already halfway there Ian, it's ok. You just have to be careful.." He says, a little louder this time.

Before I know it, he makes his way accross the bridge, "I told you! You just have to be careful!" He yells from accross the area. 

I shuffle my feet into the dirt. Heights have always been my biggest fear, "I- I don't think I can do this!" I yell back to Anthony, "Sure ya can!" Anthony yells, "I promise, just try not to freak out, don't run accross it, and you''ll be fine!"

I clutch onto my arm, before I finally walk up to the bridge, taking a deep breathe. "You can do this Ian." I whisper to myself..."You've got this." I close my eyes for a second, taking another deep breathe, cheerishing the fresh breathe, as I am afraid it might be one of my last. "Don't think like this, you heard Anthony, just be careful." Before I know it, I take my first step, as I hear creaking immediately following, sending shivers down my spine, and freezing me in my spot.

I am freaking out.

I look up, and see Anthony giving me a reassuring glance. He thinks I can do it, I can do it. I can do it! Right?..What if it's about to break. What if I take another step and it breaks? I can't think like this.

But yet, I'm frozen in my spot. I can't move an inch. I am shivering and I am panicking.

" can do it." Anthony whisper yells. "Don't stay there to long! Take another step!" He yells this time, as I notice my arms are shaking intensly, causing the bridge to also shake. 

I force myself to take another step, forcing another loud creek. This time loud enough to convince me that the bridge is breaking somehow. This results in me freaking out, and I begin running, out of spite. I can't control what I'm doing anymore. I'm panicking, I hear Anthony yelling, "Ian, no!" As I notice the rope of the bridge snapping, sending the bridge to fall down against the mountain, as I realize where I am now. Holding onto a piece of the bridge that is still connected. This bridge has became a ladder in a way, however, I notice that the other end that is still keeping the bridge from plummeting into the empty darkness below me, is beginning to slowly snap in half.

"'s ok! I'm gonna help you!" Anthony yells, as I notice him beginning to climb down, "Anthony stay up there!" I yell back. He ignores me however. as he begins climbing down the rope on the bridge. that already is about to snap in two. He luckily gets closer just in time, "Grab my hand!" He yells, as I reach my hand up towards his, and before I know it our hands are connected. He quickly drags me up as we get back up onto the ground, where it's safe again. Not a second to soon either, the second we both were safe again, the bridge breaks, and falls into the darkness.

I am shaking heavily now, terrified about what just happened. This has all officially begun to be to much for me. I don't normally cry, I don't normally let my emotions out. I don't usually let people know when I'm feeling weak. When I do, I feel as if I'm being judged. But I am overwhelmed. I am so overwhelmed right now. I guess Anthony could tell, because that's when he pulls me into a hug.

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