Chapter 14

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I wake up to hear the sound of birds chirping. I look over to see Anthony picking some more berries from a bush. I sit myself up and yawn, "What time is it?" I ask. " just let me check my WATCH!" Anthony emphasizes on the word watch, when I realize once again the situation we're in, "Oh..heh yeah. Sorry." Anthony chuckles a little, "It's fine. I forgot at first to. I woke up and saw you still sleeping so I figured i'd make myself a little breakfast. Are you hungry?" Anthony asks. I nod my head as I rub my tired eyes. "Good. we have a lot on todays menu. Would you like berries, berries, or berries?" He asks, with a smile. "Hmm well the berries sound delicious...the berries sound kinda gross...and the berries sound even more delicious! I'll go with berries, please." I say, with a faint, tired smile. 

"Hey uh..I'll be back I have to kinda go use a...tree." I say shyly. Anthony laughs, "You mean take a piss?" "Uh..well...yeah." I say, looking down kinda shyly. I go over to the tree and relieve myself. I come back over to see Anthony with berries layed on a leaf..." served." He says, with a fake British accent. I chuckle, "Nice." "And would you like some..what you say...water with that?" He asks, with his terrible yet, cute fake accent. "Uh..sure." I say, giggling. "Well dunk your head in that spring and your water will be served." Anthony says, with his accent getting worse. "So many British people would be offended right now." I Say. "Ha, yeah." He responds, as I sit back down next to him and eat some berries. "So....what should we do today?" I ask him. He sighs, "I don't even know....i mean I would say I want to go and look around a little bit more..maybe get out of here.." He pauses. "Yeah? Of course we'll do that..then what?" I ask. "I...honestly don't even know if I want to get out of here. OK?" He says, right before he burries his head into his hands. "I-I'm sorry.." I say. He sighs, "It's not your fault..I just.." I lay my hand on his shoulder for support. "I just highly doubt anyone even cares that I'm lost..and I really don't want to find I said my parents don't give a shit about me anymore..not that I can blame them...I'm a failiure...I'm sorry I'm self loathing to much..i-i.." "'s ok." I reassure him. "I get it." I say, "I mean i can't say I know how you feel but..I get it." I say, giving him a comforting him with my smile. He giggles a little, "At least I know I have-never mind.." He says. "At least I have you." I say, finishing his sentence, without thinking about what I just said. Anthony looks over at me, and fear rushes through me that he is creeped out by what I just said, "That's exactly what I was gonna say." He says, finally showing me his cute smile again. 

We finish our breakfast as both Anthony and I hear something from the distance. It sounds like a helicopter. "We have to try and wave them down here!" I Yell, over the loud blades in the air from a distance. "Hey! Hey! Please, help us!" We both scream. Then, from a distance, I hear a woman's voice. "Ian!" That voice is familiar. Is it can't be. She's not all the way out here. Is she?? "Ian!!" I hear the voice yelling louder now. Oh my god, it is my mom! "Mom!?" I yell back. "Ian it's you! Oh thank heavens! No worries! We're here now!!" She yells. Who's we? Suddenly, the helicoper descends down towards Anthony and I, "Get in!" The pilot yells, followed by him motioning us to get in faster. We both go into the helicopter, and the ride is almost pointless because we are taken right back down to the ground, followed by my mom and dad both hugging me tightly. "Oh Ian we missed you so much thank god you're ok oh my goodness!" They both say. "I'm so sorry I left you guys.." I say. I didn't even know I was crying to my mom wiped a tear off my face, "Oh honey you're safe now that's all that matters!" She says. "We love you so much Ian.." Both of my parents say at the same time, "Oh I love you guys to." I say. We hug for a few minutes, then I realize Anthony is still in the helicopter, by himself.

I break from my parents embrace and walk over to him, "Hey.." "Hey." He says. "You know, if you want you can.." "I should've known they wouldn't have been looking for me." He cuts in, smiling and shaking his head, yet I can tell he is only smiling so he doesn't cry. "Anthony.." "No, please. Don't worry about me. You're with them again..I know it's something you've wanted to just..sorry, I don't wanna get in the way.." He says quietly. "But you're not getting in the way at all,Anthony if anything you-" My parents cut me off. "Young man thank you so much for looking after our baby, we are eternally grateful." My mom says towards Anthony. " was nothing...I just.." "Come on Ian let's go home! Get you all cleaned up.." My dad says. I am pulled away from Anthony by both of my parents, as they get me into their car. "We can go home and do whatever you want...anything at all!" My mom says. I smile, as my parents begin driving us away from the forrest. I look behind me, as I see Anthony alone behind us, waving goodbye to me. I wave back. Please don't let this be the last time I see his face.. I think to myself. I want more than anything to run out of the car and just hug him and kiss him and tell him how I feel but..I can't.

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