Chapter 3

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"Anthony huh...that's a nice name." I say.

He smiles, "Thanks, I like your name to."

I smile back at him.

We stare into eachothers eyes for a few seconds before I break the silence.

"So uh, what are you going to do about your car, Anthony?"

He sighs, "I'll just call someone over to tow it. I'll take care of it more in the morning I guess."

He gets out his phone and immediately looks at it in disgust, "I have no signal." He says.

"Well, we are basically in the middle of nowhere. So I guess it makes sense" 

He angrily opens his door, throws his phone back in, and slams it.

"Calm down, it'll be ok." I say, trying to reassure him.

He shakes his head, "Do you have a phone?"

I look down, "Oh well I's just..kinda not with me right now,"

He looks at me shocked, "Who would go for a walk all the way out here and not bring a cell phone!? What if you get mugged or something??"

"Yeah I really didn't think that one through when I left earlier.."

"What are you doing out here anyways?" Anthony asked.

"Oh...well...I uh-"

"Wait there's headlights coming up towards here! Maybe they have a cellphone we can use!" Anthony shouts. "Hey, excuse me! Please stop!" He waves his arms at the oncoming vehicle, as it takes a stop.

"Hi, sorry to bother you, do you have a phone we could maybe borrow?"

The person in the car however, did not look friendly.

Anthony backed away a bit.

"Let me ask you boys you have any money?" This man is big, and buff. He is like 6 foot 9! And he looks like he weighs over 300 pounds!

"Oh uh I mean...I-"

The big man gets out a pocket knife, "WELL!?"

"Oh my!" Anthony says to me, as we both begin running from the big man.

He is chasing us, as we get more and more lost in the woods.

"What are we supposed to do!?" I ask Anthony.

"Just..keep...running!" Anthony says, in between his heavy breathes.

I am running a lot faster then Anthony right now, so I slow down for a second and grab his hand, as the man is getting closer to him, "Do NOT Let go of my hand, got it!?" I ask Anthony.

He shakes his head with fear still in his eyes, as I begin running faster now.

I think my speed scared Anthony since I heard him yell, "Jesus!"

I am tugging on his arm now for dear life, since the faster I go, the more hard it is for me to hold onto Anthony. 

The man is still in the corner of my eye.

It's make it or break it at this point, "Anthony you are going to have to speed up a little!" I yell at him, as I tug on his arm the hardest now, and now he is going closer to my speed.

Our hands are still joined together.

I look back a little and I do not see the man in our sight anymore, but the worst idea would be to stop running now.

"Is he gone?!" Anthony asks.

"Yes, but keep going! I'm not sure!" I say, in between my huffs.

We run together for a few more minutes, deeper and deeper into the woods, until Anthony trips over a log and I fall down with him.

We are both looking around, in deep breathes, trying to make sure he lost us.

"Do you think we lost him?" I ask.

"I....I....I guess." Anthony says, in between heavy breathes.

I really hope this doesn't start my asthma.

But thankfully so far I've been able to keep my breathes under control.

I notice that Anthony's knee is bleeding.

"Oh god." I say, as I unwrap my jacket from my body, and wrap it around Anthony's knee.

"Ooh." Anthony winces in pain.

"Sorry." I say.

Anthony shakes his head, still trying to catch his breathe, "It's alright, I'm such a clutz." He says, and forces out a chuckle.

I look at him for a second, and he looks at me back.

We stare into eachothers eyes for what feels like a couple minutes.

He shakes his head, "Uhh-so-uhh that was kinda crazy." He says, as he forces out another chuckle.

His chuckles are so cute.

What did I just say?

"Kinda?? If you consider a man chasing us around with a knife only KINDA crazy, I think you are a bit more crazy then him!" I say.

Anthony laughs, "Haha yeah I guess...only almost shit my pants."

I laugh back, "Almost?"

"Ok, I did. Happy?" 

He gives me the cutest smile yet, as I realize I still have my jacket wrapped around his leg, "Oh uh, there you go." I say.

"Oh, hah, yea, thanks for that." Anthony says.

I smile at him, "No problem."

Looking into his eyes kinda made me forget the current situation we're both in now..we're lost.

Search For Fate - An Ianthony StoryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang