Chapter 4

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I stood up and brushed the dirt off my pants.

And tried to understand where we are at.

But everywhere I look I just see blackness and trees.

That's it. We are so lost.

"Well, looks like we're lost.." I say quietly.

Anthony wraps my jacket around his leg a little tighter, as he tries to stand up.

But I can still see he's a little weak.

"Here i'll help you up." I offer, as I lock my hands into his, and pull him up.

He sighs, and looks around a little bit, "Well now what?" He asks. "We have no cellphones, no working vehicles, no way to even tell where we're at!"

"I...I don't know." I say, while trying to gather my thoughts. "Let's just try and retrace our steps I guess?" I suggest.

"Oh yeah, great idea! Which way? Right? Left? What? Because I don't know how we even got here in the first place! We were being chased by a psycho!" He says, in an annoyed tone.

"I don't know!" I say.

There is a moment of pure silence.

"We can just walk around and see where it takes us I guess. What else can we do?" I say.

Anthony nods his head, "Yeah, yeah alright. Let's do that." He says.

With that, we begin walking around the abandoned forest.

I kick some sticks with my feet while walking, while Anthony is looking around everywhere. Probably trying to see if anyone drives by.

"If someone drives by, please don't stop them. We don't want another incident of what happened earlier. now do we?" I say.

Anthony breathes in and out, "Well, whatever. I just don't understand why you were even out here in the first place. It's the middle of the fucking night, what smart person would be out walking around out here without a cellphone?"

I look over at him, "What smart person doesn't get his car checked before going out for a little drive?"

"Ok dude, for your information, I just got it fixed earlier this morning. It was working fine all day, and then, this shit happens. Which I still think is partially your fault."

I shake my head, "Whatever. Let's just keep going." I say, in defeat.

We walk around for another five minutes.

"Ok, I swear we were JUST Here!" Anthony yells.

"No, I promise you we weren't." I say back.

He shakes his head, "You know what? You're on your own, I don't trust your judgement." He says.

I throw my hands up, "Whatever you say! Because your judgement is so great, right!? Getting help from a complete stranger and expecting everyone to be sane!?"

Anthony throws a glare at me, "Well at least I TRIED to get help!"

I'm so done with this guy.

I turn around and begin walking on my own.

It has to be like, 2 in the morning by now.

If I had known this was going to happen, I wouldn't have left my house in the first place.

I mean I'm pretty sure i'd rather be around my fake parents then have an almost, near death experience.

And being stuck with someone, who is actually really cute, but personality wise, the biggest whiner ever.

I hear a scream from the distance.

The fuck is that?

Is that?...Anthony?

What is going on?

Should I help him?

"Bear! Help!" I hear.

There's a bear!?

How far into the forest are we?!

Where are we even, for that matter!?

I pick up a very heavy log, and run back over, and allow Anthony's voice to guide me to where he is at.

I see Anthony on the ground, with a bear over him.

I am not one for hurting bears...but if I hit it and grab Anthony fast, we should be able to get away from it.

I hit the bear with the log real fast, grab Anthony's hand again, and go running again.

"Ian you came back!?" He asks.

"Just run!" I yell to him.

We keep running for awhile, even when we figured the bear was gone by then, just to be sure.

Then, I guess I must have tripped over something because after that, I black out.

The next morning-

I wake up to see Anthony hovering over me.

My head is pounding really hard, I feel like I got hit by a bus.

"Wh-what?" I ask, with my voice very weak.

"Shh, you're ok. You uh-you tripped and your head hit a log...I would've taken you to a hospital but're kinda lost..." He says quietly.

I notice my jacket on my head, with Anthony's head pressed over it.

"But-you can have it. Your leg." I say.

"I-it's ok." Anthony says. "I think your head is a little more important then my leg." Anthony says, ending it with a forced out chuckle.

I force out one also.

"We-we're still lost?" I ask, even though I already know the answer.

He nods, "Yeah, I tried looking around a little more last night but, no progress. We're in the middle of nowhere, pretty much."

I cough a few times, and try to sit up.

But when I try to my head feels even worse.

So I ultimately just end up laying back down, and close my eyes tightly.

"How long was i out for??" I ask, still wincing in pain.

"All night. You mean time wise? I couldn't tell ya." Anthony says, as I remember we have no cellphones.

"Perfect.." I say quietly, with my eyes still tight shut.

It hurts to even open my eyes, "Ughh are you sure I wasn't hit by a bus?" I ask, jokingly.

He chuckles, "Maybe. Anyways, I figured, well, when you can get up, again, that is, we can go searching a little more. I think if we look around a little more, especially since it's not dark anymore, it may be easier to find a way out of here."

"Yeah, sounds good." I agree.

"And I uh-I just wanted to apologize about how I acted last night. This whole situation though, it's freaking me out and my hasn't been going so great." Anthony says, genuiely.

I nod, "It's fine, I'm sorry to." I say, and smile at him.

When he smiles back at me..I notice the sun beam in on his face and...I swear I just fell in love with him.

But I just met this guy, I don't even know him that well...and love at first sight isn't a real it?

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