Chapter 13

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Anthony swims closer and closer to me...until he is right near me. The only thoughts I have right now is..don't do anything stupid Ian. You just met this guy.....yet he turns you on like no one else ever has. I swear I'm ready to stick my-

I am suddenly cut off by a feeling of my chest tightening. Of all the times to have a fucking asthma attack. PLEASE NOT NOW! AT LEAST LET ME TOUCH HIS ABS!

OK really how am I still horny when I might be facing a life and death situation here!?

I suddenly snap back into the reality of what's going on. I can no longer breathe, or speak, so I just begin wheezing. I see Anthony giving me a wide eyed look of curiousity for a second. "Ian?" He asks.

I can't respond, I can only shake my arms like a crazy person through the water and point at my mouth. I try to indicate to Anthony that I can't breathe. I am freaking out, and begin wheezing harder. Suddenly I black out, earlier then I usually do during an asthma attack, to wake up feeling lips pressed against mine, and begin coughing. 

Tons of water begins coming out of my mouth, and I begin breathing heavily. I am so out of it. I am not even aware of what is going on. I just feel tingly and numb all over, as if I'm about to die of something. I notice my fingers are blue. I suddenly feel someone rubbing their hands against my bare back. "You're ok now.." It's Anthony! I suddenly become aware of everything now.

My head is pounding and I rub my hand against it, "Ugh." I groan out. Then, I become aware. Anthony and I, are both naked. In front of eachother. I look below Anthony's waist...oh dear heavens on earth. I look around quickly to find my shirt and cover up...I guess I'll just call it Charlie from now on. Charlie the drunk...GUINEA PIG. Yeah! Because whenever Charlie comes out..or up in this instance, I can't control my sex drive and therefor, DRUNK. NOT IN CONTROL...DRUNK. Haha..haha..ha...I am so not clever. But screw it, I'm calling my boner Charlie from now on to make it easy. (AUTHORS NOTE - I AM SO SORRY FOR THAT..)

Setting that aside..I still have no idea what just happened. Two near death experiences in one night..spooky. "What happened?" I ask, with my voice still..dead. "Well, I couldn't really tell ya! I mean one second you were swimming with me just fine and the next second you're swining your arms everywhere and I am only guessing that you have asthma.." I nod my head. "So before i could do anything you blacked out and went under water, which i guess I was to shocked and shooken up because it took me a second to finally save you and I gave you CPR here we are.." He says. Suddenly he looks down. "Oh shit!" He quickly grabs his clothes. "How rude of me..I-I'm so sorry." I shake my head, "Dude it's fine! You saved my life twice in one night, It's hard to get mad at ya!" I yell, still shaking a little.

Well tonight hasn't been eventful at all.

I dress myself back into my clothes and finally exhaustion sets in. Anthony comes back and lays down next to me, followed by a cute little yawn of his. "Hey, you didn't put my sweatshirt back on.." Anthony says, sitting himself up a little bit. I shake my head, "Yeah, it's yours. I owe you one." Anthony shakes his head, "No Ian..don't.." "Hey, why don't you let me win one round for once, huh?" I  respond. I hear Anthony sigh deeply. "Fine, but you have to wear it again" He asks. pulling his hand out. I sigh, "Deal." This kid is more persistent then me..that's saying a lot.

I start trying to sleep and wrap my own arms around me, trying to shield myself from the cold. I try to make it so I don't shiver so loud, but that doesn't work. Anthony hears me and looks over. "Ok you are getting this sweatshirt..I don't even care anymore.." He says, as he is about to take it off, I react, "No! Don't take it off! Please..for me..keep it on.." Anthony sighs, and begins whispering faintly, "Well...i just don't want you to freeze to death...can I at least?.." He stops mid sentence. "Hmm?" I ask. He's doing it again. He's doing the nervous shy thing again. So adorable. "Uhm...I mean only want to uh....uh..." He sure says uh a lot. Adorable. "Can...if you want me to...uh..." For fucks sake, just spit it out! "Do you want me to uh....cuddle you?...ya know.....only as like..cuddle buddy friends type...uh things..uh forget I said uhhh...forget I said-" "Anthony you can cuddle with me." I respond, giggling a little. I look at him, and he makes a smile as if he was a little boy, "You really don't mind it??" He asks, grinning ear to ear. "Come on over." I say, motioning to him to put his arms around me. "I mean...just as friends.." He says. "Oh yeah, of course." I say. He slowly puts his arms around me, and Charlie peeps out for a second but goes away luckily as soon as his legs go on top of mine a little. "That should warm you up." He says. I can't help but smile to myself. I feel his warm breathe against my neck as he says this and I can't help but get all tingly and happy again. I feel like a little kid on Christmas morning getting a ton of presents, except for me it's not Christmas but way better. Anthony cuddling me. "Good night Ian.." He says. I am still smiling to myself, "Good night Anthony." I say, letting a yawn out. As I close my eyes and feel his breathes against my neck., feeling him slowly drift off into a deep sleep, I suddenly realize that..and the crazy part is I haven't known him for to long, yet I feel like I have known him for over a million years. I just feel so connected to him in some way. What I feel for Anthony isn't just lust. I'm in love with him.

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