Author chan

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Ugh I want to post
I really do!
But I have a GIANT research project that's over due.
I haven't even started it.
Luckily my vacation was sort of an excuse
Anyways tomorrow I have to do the whole project.
And then I have all of the school work that I missed from Thur, Fri, Mon, Tue, and Wed and then the days work.
I might update tonight but I probably won't.
Ughhhh I don't want to do schooooool

Oh yeah fun stuff up ahead
My uncle lives in Japan! My parents agreed that if he still lives there, that I can move to Japan for a semester and maybe a year when I turn 16! That's only 1 1/2 year away!! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Anyways I'm already saving up all of my money, since I skipped a grade I graduate when I'm 17. But there is a program for when I turn 18 that I can go to Japan for a year for a school program for the college I want to go to. It also works for all of my back up colleges I want to go to.
And then I'm totally moving to Japan when I'm older.
So yeah


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