~Chapter Three~

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~Chapter Three~

"Ha," I say and release their pinky fingers. "Very funny guys." I say with a laugh.

"Does you phone get internet?" Harry asks.

"Yes, why?" I ask with confusion.

"Google Image search One Direction." He says, I pull my phone out of my pocket and do so.

"Holy shit." I say as the image loads. I see the other 3 boys from Nando's, plus Zayn and Harry all smiling back at me from the picture.

"Don't freak out." Harry says, putting his hands up in warning. I look at him and give him a huge smile.

"Trust me, I'm not the one you'll have to worry about. When my friends find out who I've been talking to, they-" I begin before being interrupted.

"No! You can't tell them!" Zayn says.

"Why not?" I ask.

"They'll swarm us and try to get our numbers, because you have Harry's, and things will get crazy." Zayn says.

"It's planned that we're hanging out Thursday anyway." I say.

"Well, then tell them Thursday!" Zayn says leaning into me.

"We're begging you, luv." Harry says, leaning into me as well. The overwhelming feeling of claustrophobia comes over me and I launch myself off the bench and stand in front of them.

"Ok, but when they ask where I was right now?" I ask them.

"Tell them you got lost." Harry says with a wink.

"Yes!" Zayn agrees.

"Hey lads, management wants you back." A boy with an Irish accent says from far away. When he rounds the corner, it's the blonde boy from Nando's. "Hey! It's the girl who told us off at Nando's!" He says while walking over and standing behind the bench.

"Well hello to you too." I say to him and he tips his hat towards me. Zayn and Harry laugh.

"Rachel, this is Niall. Niall, Rachel." Harry says and gesturing to the two of us. I reach over and shake his hand.

"Zayn, was she the girl you met at the air-port?" Niall asks.

"One and the same." Zayn says with a smile.

"Well then it's nice to meet you." Niall says with a slight smile.

"And you." I tell him with a smile.

"Lads, management wants us backstage." Niall says readdressing the boys.

"Ok." Zayn says and gets up. "Bye, luv." He says and hugs me. I squeeze back, but he has a really firm hug.

"Wait." Harry says as he stands and Zayn releases me. "Why don't we just take her backstage with us? He asks with a flirty smile. Zayn smiles and nods in agreement.

"Oh, I don't know guys, my friends might get worried." I say and look back in the direction I came from. My friends are probably worried as it is, or they might be too distracted by their anxiousness that comes with being in the front row. Who knows?

"Well, that's unfortunate. Let's go lads." Niall says trying to usher the boys away from me, but Harry grabs my hand and anchors himself to me.

"Please, luv? I don't think they'll mind too much." Harry says, his green eyes bearing into me. I just keep my eyes focused on his, hoping he'd let up and let me go back to my friends. When he doesn't, I sigh before muttering an okay. His face lights up with a smile and the boys lead and I head around the corner. I now realize that he still hasn't let go of my hand. I look down at our intertwined hands and release, when I look back up, he's looking at me.

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