Poor Android T~T

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Chara: *She gets back to the park, and steps out of the limo* Thank you, Haruka! *She closes He door, then suddenly freezes, when she hears shouting*

????: Can you do your actual job for once, you hunk of metal?! *The man pushes an Android, which has male features*

Android: *It catches it's balance* I do as I am programmed to do. Would you like to change any programming, sir?

????: Holy fuck! They're expecting us to Hotwire some shit, or something??

Android: I reassure you that you do not have to steal any form of vehicle, John. If you would like to change my programming, you just need to tell me what you'd like to chan-

John: *He punches the Android, very hard, making it get slammed into a tree, blue substance coming out of it's arm* Then shut up!! I swear, if you say one more word, I'll blast your head open! *The Android stands still, putting it's arms behind its back*

Android: *It has a blank expression, but it's LED is blinking red* Yes, John. I understand.

John: Fucking Androids... I swear I'm killing this thing next time it pisses me off.....
Sans: H-Heh heh... You could say that~
Cuphead: No.. I'll pass.

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