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Yang: . . . If I see Joey. . . Imma kill 'em . Fer all the torture he put us through. And not even tellin' ya 'bout us eitha'


Eliver: *She chuckles* You're lucky my brother or sister isn't here. Or my father and mother. Now if they were to find out. It wouldn't be pretty. Even with teleportation.


William: *He looks over* can I have a nacho...?


Natsuki: *She places both hands on each of his cheeks and pulls Dr. Flug closer to her face* wha?! Why?! You're so squishy and cute! And you're hair looks floofy. How could anybody think otherwise??


Cala Maria: You stutter a lot when you lie, I've noticed.


Ava: Naruto, 7 deadly sins, Sailor Moon, Pokemon, Little Busters, Accel World, and Mew Mew Kissy Cutie!

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