Yes we do! Luci's great!

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John: Pfft! You think you can reason with a stupid hunk of metal?? *He knocks on the Androids head* Kid, it's a bucket of bolts and wires. If you think anything else, you're fucking dreaming.

Android: If I may add something, John... Androi-

John: Didn't I tell you to shut up?! *Chara flinches, at the raised voice* That's a damn order!!

Android: Sir, I believe you may be scaring the children.

John: *He grabs the Android by the neck* Oh yeah?? *The Android looks fearful* Not so talkative now, are ya?? C'mon! All you have to do is FIGHT back! Oh, right. You can't. You're programmed not to! Cuz' you ain't. fucking. Huma- *The Android kicks him, making John drop it* AH! You lil' asshole!! You two brats saw that right??

Chara: Y-Yeah...

John: Well, call the police or somethin'! The Android hurt me! It had no reason to do that! It's clearly fucking broken!!


Sans: *He releases the kiss* Heh heh. Are ya sure?~~ *He presses himself against her more*


Cuphead: Getting a makeover. What do you think, you big dork? Found a cat though. You want her? She even brought a present. *Gestures to Frosting, who has a dead bird* Just for you, cous'~

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