Both still HATE each other XD

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Yang: Deal. *His color comes back, and he smiles a bit*


Kyle: You are so lucky that Eliver is here. If she wasn't I'd-

Eliver: *She swipes her tail across Kyle's face, basically telling him to shut up* Kyle...

Kyle: Hmp! *He sets Eliver down*

Eliver: I'm gonna go find Rocky! You two stay here and be nice will ya? I don't wanna have to clean up blood and bones when I come back!

Kyle: Hmp...*He snarls*

Eliver: That means you two Ky. *She skips off*

Kyle: ...what did you do to her?


William: B-Bendy!

???????: Oh? What have we here?~ *He turns around and teleports over to Bendy, putting his hand on the wall, and lifting Bendy's chin up to make the small demon look at the fall purple man* oh how cute. *he keeps William pinned with magic*

William: *He struggles within the grip* Let...him go! Ngh!

???????: Nah. I think I'll keep 'em a lil' while longer. *He kisses Bendy*


Natsuki: Yuri? She's just deep and brooding, Sayori aloof and kooky, and Monika is brains and beauty. *She had seemed to exclude herself from the bunch*


Ava: But they aren't even mates!

Not gay, bi | QFTS 17Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora