Chapter 4

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Ugh. Someone needs to turn off that light. Now. 

I sit up to see that, unfortunately, that light is the sun. Which, due to my oh-so-wonderful sleeping position, is aimed directly into my face.

I look down at the bed area next to me and see those hazel eyes staring back at me.

I, of course, react like any other human would, by jumping up out of the bed, screaming.

Gerard is getting up out of the bed slowly while laughing.

"Well, good morning to you, too." he walks into a ray of sunglight and immediately darts through it, hissing.

"Doesn't that kill you..?"I ask him, turning towards the corner he's now cowering in.

"Kill? No. Hurt like a bitch? Yes. It does the same thing to me that a pan just taken off the burner would do to you." 

"Oh." I 'm nodding at him, showing that I understand. 

", are you hungry?" he's looking up at me, hopefully.

Oh God. I knew it, I knew he wouldn't just keep me alive for no reason. Now he's gonna say something about him being hungry, too, and launch at my neck shouting "Breakfast time!"  or something like that.

"I mean, I got you food." Gerard quickly answers, he must have seen the fear in my eyes.

"You got..human food?" I'm raising my eyebrows in disbelief, causing Gerard to smirk.

"Well, yeah, I'm not an idiot. I know that you need to east and since I only need a very minimal amount of sleep, I decided to go get you some food while you were dozing off. Why do you think I have a kitchen.." his voice trails off.

"Oh, so you have a kitchen because you just knew you'd find me and need to store human food?" that doesn't even make sense.

"No... I just thought if I ever decided to befriend a human and had them live with me then I'd need a kitchen for food...yeah." He says, uncertain. 

"Mhmm," I don't really believe him, but why else would he really need a kitchen? He could've just said it came with the house, stupid, "and since you don't need a lot of sleep, was that why you were...staring at me earlier?" I said the last part quietly and insecurely, for some reason acting like I was stating the wrong answer to a question a teacher's asking me in front of the class.

He laughed, appearing in front of me. He's putting a hand under my chind, bringing my face up to force me to look him in his eyes.

"You look..interesting, when you sleep, love...gorgeous, dare I say." his beautiful hazels twinkle and a smile flashes upon his face.

"Ugh...thanks." I murmur. He laughs and turns toward the door. Just as he reaches it, he turns around, staring at me.

"Well? Come on.." He says, heading down the stairs.

I just walked out the doorway when I stop and realize something.

Why is he keeping me alive? Out of all people, what am I to him? But then again, is staying here with him better than dying? And WHY do I trust him?

Things Will Always Be The Same, Between The Hunter And The Prey. (Gerard Way)Where stories live. Discover now