Tumblr Prompts 1

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(Some prompts I did on tumblr, when I have enough for the second part then I'll post it. Enjoy!)

Disappointed- Anti and JJ

Anti's grip tighten around the mute's throat, no glitch in sight, only his new disguise sending shivers down JJ's spine. "I spared you that night after you found out my plans, and this is how you repay me?"  Anti's eyes flashed between blue and neon green with anger. "I am very disappointed in you, puppet, and because if your reckless actions I'll have to punish you."

Disappear- Jackieboy

"Marv, you haven't slept in days." Chase said softly, "I can't sleep, Chase, I can't!" The magician screamed as he threw his spell book across his room. "Jackie's been missing for months, MONTHS!" His eyes glowed neon blue, his magic reflecting the tired magician's emotions. He brushed his green locks off his face,

"I can't stop until I bring him home, safe." He whispered, he waved his hand and closed the door behind him, he sighed frustrated as he picked up his spell book and grasped at Jackie's blue mask on his hand. "I'll bring you home, I promise." As he concentrated on the hero's image.

Agreement- Dark and Mark

"Please, stop..." Mark sobbed while he hugged himself on the floor. "No more, n-no more..." he whispered between breathes.

Dark clicked his tongue, "Pathetic." he heard Dark's voice behind him, Mark couldn't go through more torture but then again, he preferred to be the target rather than Dark going after Amy. "So, we are clear, you asked for this. We had a deal, Mark." Dark stepped on Marks side, slowly crushing his ribs, "You have too much power for your own good. Perhaps, I should pay a visit to our sweet Amy." he said smirking as fear rose on Mark's aching chest. No, he couldn't let Dark get to her.

"I'll let you take over me!" he said with a strained voice, "Just, please, don't hurt her... I'll do anything!"

Dark grinned down at him, satisfied to have found his weak spot. "I'm glad we got to an agreement, Mark."

Organization- Schneep and Dr. Iplier

"Guter Gott..." Schneep whispered as he walked into his office which was turned upside down. Outraged, he stormed out fury lashing out, everyone stepped out of the way to let him through. Whenever everyone saw Schneep walk on the hallway no one dared to cross his path, especially when he looked like he was about to murder someone.
He slammed the door directing to Iplier's office open, he bit his tongue when he found his office was also a mess. "What in the world is going on?!" Schneep whispered, he saw the doctor rocking back and forth in the corner of his office, "Iplier, what is the meaning of this? Why is your office a mess!"

"I can't find it!" the doctor screamed, which took Schneep by surprise. He crouched in front of Iplier and stared at him, his eyes becoming soft. 'Whatever it is you are looking for, we'll find it. But first, we need to organize your office. We won't find anything in this mess."

Joke- Bing and Chase

Both, the vlogger and Android fell to the ground as they both laughed at a really bad pun from the internet. Both of them receiving confused from Schneep and Jackie, but at the same time it warmed their hearts, for they haven't heard Chase laugh like that for months.

Itchy- King of the Squirrels

"Aaaaaaaaahhhhhh there-- that's spot..." he sighed in relief as the little creature softly scratched the itchy spot in his back.

Impulse- Wilford

He proudly walked through the house's threshold carrying two sacks filled with antique collection of guns. No one dared to ask if this was an impulse purchase or if he decided to take it by force.

Homeless- Chase

"OUT" Stacey shriek, throwing a carry on bag at Chase, "Stacey, come on. It's Christmas Eve!" He managed to say between panicked breaths. "The kids, I can't-"

"They are better off without you, now get out!" She slammed the door in front of him. He should be used to this, she would kick him out every now and then. But this time was different, Chase knew this time he couldn't come back. He looked up at the two-story house that he worked so hard for his family's well being. He sighed, and walked down the driveway, shuddering to the chilly Christmas Eve night.

Envious- Bim

He snarled at the new co-host his boss decided to hire. He didn't see the need for one, but it was all for the show's sake. But, he couldn't help to feel envy as everyone threw him compliments. He smiled, for he had found his dinner for that night, and that would resolve his problem.

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