Bright Light

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A/N: Art by Turquoisemagpie on Tumblr/Instagram

"Again, Daddy, again!" Elaine giggled as she held her arms up, Henrik had the biggest smile. He picked her up and placed her on top of his feet, holding her hands as he helped her dance. One step here, one step there, her bright smile never falling.

"You have gotten big, my dear." He said contentedly, he placed Elaine on the floor and twirled her, making her pink puffy skirt twirl and sparkle around her. Her short brown hair danced along, and her sparkly blue eyes shone brighter than the sun.

"Yes! I've been eating all my veggies like you told me!" She chimed, "I'm gonna— I'm gonna grow big like you and strong like Uncle Jackie!"

His heart melted at the sight of his daughter smiling at him. Her tiny hands held on tightly around his as she dances without a care, knowing that if she missed a step, her dad would be there to catch her.

Henrik wished Marie would move back, not having to wait a whole year to see his child only for a month. But then again, he always tried not to let these thoughts cloud over the precious moments he shared with Elaine, it's all that mattered.

"Daddy." Elaine called out, making Schneep snap out of his thoughts.

"Yes, little one?"

"You're the best dad in the whole world." She wrapped her small arms around his legs, tears made his vision blurry.

He crouched in front of her, his smile bright as the light Elaine brought to his world. She smiled back at him, placing her small soft hands on his cheeks, wiping the stray tears away. He held them in place, taking in the moment, wishing it could last forever.

"Ich liebe dich über alles" he whispered through happy tears.

"Daddy, don't cry! I love you! Please don't be sad!" She said in a hurry, giving him quick kisses and clinging to his neck.

"Ah, I-I am not sad. I promise." He reassured her as he wiped his eyes. "How about some ice cream? That sounds good, yes?"

"Ice cream!" Elaine shouted with delight, she then ran off to get some shoes on.

There was nothing he wouldn't do for her. She was his whole world, and he wouldn't hesitate to give his life for her.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2019 ⏰

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