Bad Deal

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Dark kicked down on the glitch demon, satisfaction spreading on seeing how weak he was. Dark cracked his neck, his red and blue aura settling down.

"I knew you would come running after that vlogger." He sneered as he knelt beside him, "You've become soft, Antisepticeye. You've grown attached to your brothers, and that needs to be corrected."

"W-Where is he? You have no right to take him!" Anti screeched as he glitched off the floor and clasp his fist around Dark's collar. "Where is Chase?" He snarled.

Dark chuckled, "Okay, but I need to add just one little personal touch"

"What the fuck are you talking abo—" Anti was flung to the wall by an invisible force knocking the air out of him. "I— I will kill you..." he wheezed, trying to recover his breath.

"That's no way to talk to my master." he turned his head turn when he heard his voice, a chill was sent down his spine as he saw his brother dressed in a sickly black suit, his hair was messy over his now black eyes.

"We'll need to teach you some manners, brother."

Chase grabbed Anti by the throat and started squeezing, closing the airflow to his lungs. A toothy grin spread on Chase's face, seeing how Anti squirmed, desperate for air. He tried to glitch out of his grip, but something was preventing his power to go through.

"C-Chase..." Anti choked out, dark spots dancing on his vision for the lack of oxygen. "S— snap out of it!"

"Shut up. Just shut up." He said through gritted teeth, "I'm tired of being pushed around by everyone. I'm done being defenseless and powerless. I'm not weak!" then out of nowhere black liquid started pouring out of his already pitch black eyes. "I'm not weak..."

"I know y-you're not weak. You're stron— you're stronger than anyone I know" Anti struggled to say, his kicks and struggles becoming weaker.

"Don't listen to him, Chase. He's a liar, he has always been." Dark said calmly, he knew that Anti's efforts to snap him out of his trance where pointless. Chase was capable of so much, and his brothers failed to see that; but not him. He needed a successor after all and is not like they would miss him.

"P-please... Chase— your kids..." Anti gasped out, his kids... they are waiting for him at home. His brothers are worried sick. How could he do this to them?

The darkness in Chase's eyes started to fade away as Anti went limp on his grip. His eyes returned to his original clear blue full of confusion but quickly replaced with horror as he released his brother's corps which fell with a hard thud on the ground.

"No, no no no no no. Anti? You need to wake up. Please" he said as a sob broke from his chest. "Anti! ANTI!" Chase screamed as black tears streamed down his cheeks. "What have you done!" He growled at Dark.

"I helped you do what you've been wanting to do for years, get your revenge." He said simply

"He was my brother!" He cried out, as he cradled his limp body close to him, "You will pay for this, I swear." He managed to say with a trembling voice as he gave a murderous look at Dark. "Even if it's the last thing I do." And with that said, Chase vanished in a cloud of Black smoke with Anti's body.

A grin spread on Dark's lips, "Oh Chase, this is only the beginning."

Chase fell hard on the wood floor of the known Septic living room. A sob broke from his lips as he cradled Anti's body close to him.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, please come back, please..." he kept repeating as he rocked back and forth. He then heard hurried footsteps, he didn't even flinch when he heard the others gasp in terror, he just wanted his brother back. He would take his place if he could. How could he be so stupid, making a deal with Dark was stupid and now he would pay for it.

"What happened? Why are you dressed like that?" Marvin asked urgently, but then let out a gasp as he realized who Chase was holding close to him. "A-Anti?"

"It's all my fault, I did this. I—" he started crying once more, burying his face on the crease of Anti's neck.

Marvin knelt in front of him, "Chase, what happened?"

"I killed him! He's gone!" He shouted, "I didn't mean for this to happen. He tried to save me a-and— I didn't—"

Marvin then hovered his hand over the glitch, a small light emerging from his hand, his eyes glowing blue as his magic flowed through him. He then shook his head, a puzzled look on his face.

"He's not dead, his magic is preventing his soul to leave his body." He then picked him up and walked pass Chase "Schneep, let's take him to the lab!" he barked at the doctor.

Marvin and Schneep disappeared to the lab, the magician set Anti on one of the beds Schneep had available as he hurriedly began to perform CPR.

"Why aren't you using AED? Wouldn't that make it easier?" The magician urged as he watched Schneep press his hands on Anti's chest.

"No. His power would destroy the machine. Let us pray to whatever god is up there that his soul is still holding on to his body." He finished to then press his lips to his cold, blue ones pushing air to his lungs. "I never thought he would be able to die."

"I... I sensed a dark aura from Chase. Maybe it might have to do with that." He wondered. Chase has never worn a suit, maybe for his wedding, but that was years ago. And it looked oddly familiar to Dark's. Whatever this is, it has to do with him.

Schneep and Marvin jumped as Anti shot right up taking a big gulp of air to then fall right back to the bed. His vision was tuning in and out as he tried to make off his surroundings.

"Antisepticeye? Can you hear me? Do you know where you are?" Schneep asked worriedly

"C-Chase— where's Chase?" He said hoarsely, "S'he okay?"

"Anti, you need to rest. I just brought you from the dead. Chase is fine, but there is some explaining to do here." Schneep said sternly

Anti sat down with difficulty and looked at both the Magician and doctor. He sighed, "Dark... Dark manipulated Chase into making a deal with him. I don't know what kind, but it gave him powers. If I would've known it was this bad I would've..." his hands closed into fists, anger filling his being at what Dark had done to his brother, "I failed him..."

"Defeat does not mean failure, Anti." Marvin reassured him. "Whatever this is, we'll get through as a family."

"Anti..." the three of them turned to the door, a distraught yet relieved Chase came running to them and tackled Anti with a hug "this was stupid, I'm so sorry Anti... I never meant to hurt you. I'm so weak and Dark just..."

"Hey, it's okay. I'm not that easy to get rid off." Anti said while rubbing his back, "I'll get back to that bastard. I won't go anywhere."

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