Grit's Family

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Grit's POV, after the year when Honeybee went to JMA.

My mother smiled down at me, embracing me in a warm hug. Yes, she was caught in the Sandwing War of Succession, but I don't care. Her name is Blaze. Yes, Burn and Blister's sister Blaze. After the war, she had time to study, her tutor being a sandwing named Ocotillo. He taught her the basics, the tribes and their abilities, the types of clouds, everything. Soon enough she was smart enough to make her own makeup. So yeah, pretty smart. A couple years later, she and Ocotillo got married and had me, Grit. Since Blaze lives in the Stronghold, so do I. Queen Thorn is really nice, and is currently teaching Blaze and I to fight. 

Dragons say I inherited my mother's natural beauty, my Aunt Burn's strength, and Aunt Blister's cunning and smart brain. I may not be able to inherit the sandwing throne, I am somewhat treated like royalty. Qibli, Queen Thorn's advisor, always seems to be wary of me. He just seems, suspicious. My brother, Agate, inherited Aunt Blister's and Uncle Smolder's black diamond scales, and Aunt Burn's strength. He also picked up the one trait they all contained that I didn't: ambition. Such a strong ambition it was. I wish he could just drop it.

"Hey, little niece of mine!" Uncle Smolder said, with a chuckle. 

"Hi Uncle Smolder! How's your love life with Queen Thorn?" Grit teased. Smolder went redder than red.

"Grit!" He yelled as Grit raced down the hall, her laughter loud enough that the icewings could hear it.

 "Hello, Grit. Nice to see that you came back from Jade Mountain Academy. Say, how is Sunny doing?" Queen Thorn asked.

"Sunny's doing well, and you won't believe this, a dragon from Pantala came!" Grit shouted excitedly

"What's Pantala?" Queen Thorn said, with a puzzled expression on her face.

"Oh, it's the lost continent." Grit said casually. 

"How are you so calm about that?!" Queen Thorn yelped.

"I kinda spent a whole year with her, soooo yeah." 

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