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Icewing mutations were rare. And despised. Icewings that had mutations were kicked out. 

And Hoarfrost had one. And he WAS royalty. You would think he was spared, but no, he wasn't. So he moved to the Icewing and Skywing border. Skywings treated him like any normal Icewing, and Icewings treated him like fox-dung. 

Hoarfrost flew over the desert, heat scorching him as he flew. He was heading to the rain forest, where he might get some respect from Guava or Honeybee. However, he didn't get respect from the climate. It was so HOT.

"Hoarfrost?! Is that you?!" a familiar voice cried out.

"Hi Guava. Funny seeing you here." Hoarfrost called out sarcastically, rolling his eyes. 

"Hoarfrost?" Cried out another familiar voice. It was Honeybee.

"You should probably go see Queen Glory, Hoarfrost." Guava stated.

"I'm not sure if I want to get sat on..." Hoarfrost started.

"Don't worry, I'll be with you," Honeybee teased.

"Why is Deathbringer afraid of you?" Hoarfrost questioned.

"Don't worry, I'll fill you in," said Guava with a chuckle.

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter! I'll make them longer in the future!

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