Chapter 7

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The minions shrieked excitedly and began pushing each other as they both struggled to get to Spongebob. In the entire restaurant, Spongebob estimated there were about 50 minions, and all of them were now getting closer and closer to his broken body.

The familiar sense of dread overcame Spongebob, a feeling he was becoming all too accustomed to. He begged, but he should have known by now it was pointless.

"Please...stop...leave me alone..." Spongebob snivelled, but the minions never ceased their movements.

Soon, about 10 of the minions had grabbed onto some part of Spongebob's body and began feeling him up. He cried out as one tweaked his nipples, and another began rubbing his hardening cock.

The other minions had begun watching, some patiently waiting their turn and others touching themselves at Spongebob's suffering.

A minion grabbed hold of his legs and lifted him up, and began thrusting his small 1.5-inch yellow cock into Spongebob's asshole. Another had climbed on top of the table and pried his mouth open, before shoving his cock down Spongebob's throat. Another had ripped Spongebob's legs completely off and Spongebob shrieked at the sudden pain that overcame him. He looked at the minion and they stared, astonished, at the leg that was in his hands. His big round eye blinked in amusement, before they flicked to meet Spongebob's and a malicious grin spread across his tiny mouth. He took his leg, and began shoving it in one of Spongebob's holes.

Spongebob had gone completely numb. He couldn't believe that just a mere hour ago, he was sulking over Squidward's outbursts. He had disassociated from his abused body, his mind desperately trying to repress the trauma he was still experiencing.

Many of the spectator minions were evidently getting impatient, and so began untying the ropes restraining Spongebob to the table. One minion shoved the one currently raping Spongebob away, before grabbing hold of him and throwing him onto the dirty floor of the restaurant.

Bolts of pain immediately shot throughout his body and Spongebob cried out. He was on his stomach and tried to rise onto his feet before a hand smacked his head and pushed it against the ground. He could see the strands of hair and the faint scent of bleach on the floor of the restaurant.

He also saw Gru, standing a couple of meters to his right and setting up some sort of contraption. Spongebob's eyes were blurry with tears, but he guessed it to be a camera.

No....they'regoing to film my suffering...? They're monsters....monsters...

Despicable Little Slut (Gru x Spongebob x Minions) [non-con]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang