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Changkyun absolutely hated everything about it. The number of times he has had to go to a new therapist was uncountable, it irritated him to even think about going. Changkyun has been seeing multiple therapists for as long as he can remember, none of them knowing what was going on with him and all of them making his views on therapy worse. Every time he had to explain his problems to a new person, he felt as if it was useless like he could no longer be bothered explaining. 

Today, he had a session with a new therapist, his last. He told himself that if this guy didn't help him either, he'd just give up and forget about trying to fix whatever was happening to him. 

He sighed as he slowly trudged up the street, looking around at all the people passing him by, studying their faces and features as he went. He did this quite often, trying to find anyone that seemed familiar. It was rare that he ever found anyone, and if he did there was never much he could do, but he still tried anyway. As he was looking around he saw a tall man with light pink hair walking on the opposite side of the street. He raised an eyebrow at the colour choice, deciding that it looked like cotton candy. He turned away and saw that he was approaching the building his final therapist was residing in. 

As he came up to the large shiny door, he sighed softly and went inside, looking around at the silver walls and light floors, going up to the large main desk directly in front of the door. The lady sitting behind the desk greeted him and bowed her head.

"Hello, how can I help you?" She asked with a slight smile. Changkyun smiled slightly back. After hearing these words from so many people, it feels less comforting to hear and more irritating. 

"I'm here to see Dr Lee" Changkyun mumbled as he looked around the desk, analyzing all of the papers and documents scattered over it. The receptionist smiled and typed something on the computer in front of her.

"Im Changkyun?" She questioned, looking up at him with a small smile on her lips. He nodded and she nodded back, the smile becoming slightly larger. 

"He's ready now if you could just follow me I'll take you to his office" She motioned as she stood, coming out from behind the desk and walking to the left, down a long hallway full of doors and small nametags. She eventually stopped at a door near the end of the hallway and knocked gently, opening it slightly, leaning her head inside and whispering something to whoever was inside. She quickly stood up and looked back at Changkyun. "Here you go, this is Dr Lee's room." She bowed and walked past Changkyun, back to the front of the building. 

Changkyun watched her go past and then looked back at the slightly opened door. He walked over slowly and peeked in, seeing a tall man sitting in a large chair reading something, brown circular glasses perched upon his nose, silver hair combed back out of his face. Changkyun knocked lightly and opened the door, walking in. The man looked up at him and smiled, closing the folder and placing it on the small table next to him, standing and stretching out his hand for Changkyun to grab.

 Changkyun slowly closed the door behind him and grabbed his hand, shaking gently. "Hi! I'm Dr. Lee, you must be Im Changkyun, please take a seat." He motioned with his free hand to the large couch on the opposite of the chair he was just sitting in. Changkyun nodded and sat down, watching Dr. Lee sit back down in the chair across from him and cross his legs. "So, I've been reading your file and I've noticed that you've seen many therapists before me."

Changkyun nodded and sighed. "This is my last try. If you can't help me then I don't know what to do." He looked down at his hands and fiddled with his fingers. Dr. Lee smiled lightly, "We don't have to go through the entire 'getting to know you' stuff, let's get straight into it, shall we? What can I try to help you with?" He questioned.

Changkyun looked up at the doctor, a somber look on his face.

"Every time I close my eyes at night, I see someone dying."

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