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There's a stir in the sheets, the blanket rustling slightly as Changkyun shuffles, a small frown on his face as he goes through the beginning stages of his dream. He sighs, slowly moving more, just enough to stir Hyungwon awake, a frown forming on his face as he squints into the darkness beside him, feeling the movement of the bed as he reaches for his phone. Turning on the light and seeing Changkyun starting to sweat beside him, beginning to thrash around as if he's fighting something. Hyungwon watches him and places his phone on the table beside him torch up as he reaches over and grabs Changkyuns arms, a sound of protest coming from the back of Changkyuns throat as his legs move harder.

Hyungwon shakes Changkyun slightly, "Changkyun, wake up, hey," Hyungwon says just above a whisper, shaking Changkyun a little more, a whine escaping Changkyun, sounding like a cry. Hyungwons heart begins to ache as he sees a tear roll down Changkyuns cheek, shaking him harder and speaking louder. "Changkyun, wake up!"

Suddenly Changkyun sits up, his breathing erratic as if he had just been running. Hyungwon gently touches Changkyuns shoulder, Changkyun jolting away, scared. "Hyungwon?" Changkyun says as his voice cracks slightly, another tear falling from his eye. Hyungwon moves forward and engulfs Changkyun in a hug, his heart hurting more by the second. "it's okay, i'm here, you're alright, you're safe" Hyungwon mumbles to Changkyun as Changkyun begins to cry and tightly grips onto Hyungwons' arms, crying into Hyungwons' chest.

As Changkyun calms, Hyungwon moves away, reaching up and wiping away the lingering tears. "What happened?" Hyungwon questions and Changkyun looks away, trying to avoid the subject "it doesn't matter, just a bad dream."

Hyungwon sighs and pushes Changkyuns face towards his own, gently kissing Changkyuns forehead and then each of his eyes. Changkyun sighs and crawls into Hyungwons lap, cuddling into Hyungwons chest. Hyungwon wraps his arms around Changkyuns body, reaching up and gently playing with Changkyuns hair.

"You don't need to feel unsafe with me, you can tell me anything you want whenever you're ready to." Hyungwon whispers into Changkyuns hair as he runs his fingers through the back of it, Changkyun nodding gently, wiping his eyes as his heart beat begins to slow down. "Thank you." Changkyun says just above a whisper, his quiet voice cracking slightly as he feels his heart ache at the love he's currently surrounded by.

"I will always be here." Hyungwon replies as he gently begins to rock with Changkyun in his arms, holding him tightly. Hyungwon looks over to the other side of the bed in search for the blanket, quickly grabbing it and draping it over Changkyuns small frame that is lying in his lap. Changkyun sighs as he shuffles slightly in his lap, gently grabbing at Hyungwons shirt and pulling him as close as possible.

After Hyungwon holds Changkyun for a little while, he hears small snores coming from him, a sign that Changkyun has fallen back asleep. Hyungwon begins to slowly shift to move Changkyun over and back into the bed properly, earning a slight shuffle and quiet groan from the younger. Hyungwon gently places the blanket back over him and brushes some hair out of Changkyuns face, admiring him for a few seconds before placing a small kiss upon Changkyuns forehead.

Hyungwon rolls over slowly, not to disturb Changkyun and grabs his phone, turning off the torch and shifting back over to Changkyun, getting as close as he can to him before laying beside him and sighing, closing his eyes to sleep and trying not to think too much on what had happened earlier.

As Hyungwon moves closer to Changkyun, he wraps himself around him, making Changkyun snuggle back into his chest and curling into him. Hyungwon smiles lightly and bends himself towards Changkyun as well, cuddling Changkyuns upper half softly and calmly falling asleep.

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