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The day was coming to an end, Changkyun tiredly fixing up a display after the after school rush of kids. Jooheon watches his friend slowly move the records around, walking up to him and patting his shoulder gently, making Changkyun jump. Jooheon chuckles squeezing Changkyuns shoulder gently as Changkyun sighs. "Thank you Kyunnie, you can go home now," Jooheon says as he gently pats Changkyuns head. Changkyun frowns and looks at the time, looking back at Jooheon with a pout. "But there's still an hour of my shift left."

Jooheon smiles gently, his deep dimples showing. "I know, but I can see how tired you are, it's almost close time anyway we both know it's not busy around now. I'll be okay, go home." Changkyuns pout gets bigger as he hugs Jooheon tightly, burying his head into his friends' shoulder and sighing. Jooheon gently plays with Changkyuns hair as he hugs back twice as tightly. Changkyun pulls away and smiles slightly, his eyes slightly closed as he walks away from Jooheon to the backroom to collect his things. As he picks up his phone, he opens his texts and begins a message to Hyungwon.

'hey, jooheon let me off early, ill be home in about 10.'

Changkyun stared at the text, biting his lip lightly.

'hey, jooheon let me off early, ill be home in about 10 x'

Changkyun closed his eyes and pressed send, instantly locking his phone and putting it in his pocket, taking off his lanyard and walking out of the room, waving softly to Jooheon who waved back, blowing a kiss. Changkyun chuckles and pretends to catch it, kissing his hand. Jooheon smiles brightly as Changkyun turns and leaves the store, walking home. About 6 minutes after leaving the store he feels his phone vibrating, his heart starting to race as he forgot about the message he sent not long ago. Changkyun sighs and pulls out his phone, looking at the reply.

'wonderful, more time to spend with you. let me know when you're at the entrance and ill head over xx'

Changkyun blushes with a light smile as his heart flutters, feeling like a schoolgirl over a couple of letters. Changkyun looks up at where he is, seeing he's about 2 minutes away from their building, looking back down at the text and typing a response.

':) will do xx'

Changkyun hits send as he speeds up slightly, now excited about seeing Hyungwon again. Getting to the door, sending a quick 'here' before speeding over to the elevator, getting in and going to their floor, a light blush fluttering over his cheeks as he looks at their messages again, the door in front of him opening as he looks up and sees the tall pink haired man standing in front of his door, a smile on his face as he stands from leaning on the wall beside him, waving slightly. Changkyun smiles as he sighs, a calm feeling swallowing him as he walks over to Hyungwon, instantly wrapping his arms around Hyungwons torso, Hyungwon slowly hugging him back after the shock calms down. Hyungwon gently pats the back of Changkyuns head that's buried in his neck.

"Tired?" Hyungwon mumbles against Changkyuns head, a soft nod against his shoulder as an answer. Hyungwon chuckles as he moves back slightly, reaching into Changkyuns front pocket, surprising Changkyun as he squeaks. Hyungwon giggles as he grabs onto Changkyuns door keys, pulling them out and shaking them in front of Changkyuns face with a grin. Changkyuns face blushes bright red as he looks down shyly, Hyungwon shaking his head and unlocking the door, opening it and signalling for Changkyun to enter first.

Changkyun smiles lightly and walks into the apartment, Hyungwon following after closing the door and locking it. Hyungwon places the keys on the hook and slips off his shoes, watching as Changkyun instantly heads for the bedroom. Hyungwon follows behind him and watches as he faceplants onto the bed. Hyungwon laughs and hears a muffled giggle coming from Changkyun.

"Shouldn't you at least take off those jeans?" Hyungwon questions, his answer coming out as a long muffled groan. Hyungwon shakes his head and walks over to Changkyun, gently flipping him over and leaning over him, unbuttoning the jeans and unzipping them, Changkyun looking away with his arms over his eyes. Hyungwon smiles as he gently tugs them down, eventually getting them off and folding them, turning and placing them on the chest of drawers, turning back around to see a beautiful sight.

Changkyun, laying in just his large hoodie, arms up as the moonlight from his open window cascades down onto his milky skin, highlighting his supple thighs and a gorgeous waistline that was peeking out from under his jumper. Hyungwon sighs as he walks over to Changkyun, pulling on his arms, sitting him up and lifting him gently, placing him onto his pillow so that he's comfortable on the bed. He pulls down the blankets and places them over Changkyuns beautiful stretched out body. As he reaches down to kiss Changkyuns forehead, Changkyuns arm comes up and wraps around Hyungwons neck, Changkyun opening his eyes and looking directly into Hyungwons, the moonlight highlighting every gorgeous branch of brown within them. 

Changkyun pulls gently on Hyungwon as he reaches up, connecting their lips softly, Hyungwon humming as he climbs onto the bed, hovering over Changkyuns body. Hyungwon pulls away, looking at Changkyuns flushed face and tired eyes, admiring every pore and scar covering it. "Lay down," Changkyun mumbles as he pushes Hyungwon down to the side of the bed. Hyungwon moves so that hes laying on his side, watching as Changkyun lifts the blankets and covers Hyungwon with them. Hyungwon frowns slightly at the action as Changkyun shuffles closer, pulling on Hyungwons arm and placing it over himself. 

Hyungwon realises what's happening when Changkyun nuzzles his face into Hyungwons chest. Hyungwon smiles and pulls Changkyun closer, gently placing a kiss on the top of his head, playing with his hair as Changkyun sighs contently.

"Goodnight gorgeous." Hyungwon whispers, a light hum responding from Changkyun who nuzzles once again. Hyungwon smiles as he sighs and closes his eyes, enjoying the moment. Changkyun feels his heart flutter when he hears Hyungwons soft heartbeat in his chest, a small smile crossing his face before falling asleep.

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