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"Sorry?" Changkyun questions, his head coming up to look Dr Lee in the eyes despite being embarrassed. Dr Lee frowns slightly and chuckles, sitting comfortably in his chair like nothing had happened. Changkyun clears his throat and frowns, looking back down to his fiddling fingers. "I... I don't know, I've never thought to even try... I'm always in too much shock to even think about anything else" Changkyun explains as Dr Lee hums. Changkyuns' face flushes at the noise as Dr Lee laughs. "I've made an impression I see" He mumbles with a smile as Changkyun closes his eyes and gulps, a small smile lingering on his face.

"Maybe we should pick this up in a few days when you've cleared your mind." Dr Lee suggests and Changkyun nods, standing quickly and bowing neatly, shuffling over to the door. Dr Lee stands and slowly follows behind him, grabbing Changkyuns' hand that was about to reach for the doorknob. Changkyun froze as Dr Lee swiftly grabbed his other hand and held them behind Changkyuns' back, pressing Changkyun against the door with his body. Changkyuns face flushed again, his eyes closed tightly. Dr Lee hums again and smiles, nibbling on Changkyuns' ear.

"Have fun tonight." Dr Lee whispers as Changkyun shivers and sighs, Dr Lee releasing his hands and stepping away, placing his hands in his pockets and smiling gently. Changkyun nods gently and opens the door, closing it quickly behind him and rushing towards the exit, the blush not leaving as he stepped out into the cold air. He took a few deep breaths, looking up at the sky as he thought about what had just happened. He chuckles slightly as he looks back down at the floor, sighing heavily as he starts to walk back to his apartment. He shoves his hands in his pockets as he walks, pulling out his phone and seeing a few messages. 

Joohoney: "you still need to tell me what's going on with that guy!! if you don't im never trusting you again"

Hyungwon: "ill see you there. ;)"

Changkyun giggles at Jooheons message, deciding to answer it later on and just reading Hyungwons'. Changkyun walks into his apartment complex, looking down at his feet as he gets to the elevator, pressing the button, keeping his head down as he was in his thoughts. The door opened as he stepped in, pressing his floor number and leaning against the wall, sighing. The doors started to close but just before they did, a hand shot through the middle, the doors shooting open as a tall man quickly jumped in, leaning against the other wall. 


Changkyuns' eyes went wide as he saw Hyungwon standing across from him. "What the fuck?" Changkyun says alongside a small giggle. Hyungwon looks over to Changkyun, a slight look of shock gets covered with a warm smile. "Hello" Hyungwon says, raising an eyebrow at Changkyuns' frown. "Okay you said you lived a few doors down but I didn't think you meant like this." Changkyun mumbles as Hyungwon laughs. "Yes, I live quite literally, a few doors down," Hyungwon explains as the elevator slows to a stop, the doors opening at their floor as they both step out. 

Changkyun sighs as he shakes his head, both of them walking side by side towards their homes. Changkyun reaches his door as Hyungwon stands beside him, leaning against the wall. Changkyun pauses as he notices Hyungwon not leaving and turns to look at him. "Yes?" Changkyun mumbles as his cheeks flush. Hyungwon smiles lightly as his eyes drift down Changkyuns' face to his lips. 

Hyungwon steps closer, his eyes not leaving Changkyuns' mouth. "Open the door." Hyungwon says deeply. Changkyun gulps as he turns around, opening the door quickly, stepping in as Hyungwon follows behind closely. The moment the door closes Hyungwon is against Changkyun, pressing his entire body against him, his lips attached to Changkyuns', his tongue lightly licking at Changkyuns' bottom lip. 

Changkyun groans as Hyungwon bites his lip lightly, pulling on it. Hyungwon rests his head against Changkyuns', staying close. "I missed the way you taste" Hyungwon growls, reaching down and picking Changkyun up, Changkyuns' legs wrapping around Hyungwons' waist, Hyungwon carrying him away from the front door and back into his bedroom, placing Changkyun down on the bed gently, a sigh escaping his throat as he pressed against Changkyuns' body once again. Changkyuns' arms stayed around Hyungwons' neck, the two moving gently against the other, gasps and sighs filling the room as they felt each other, pieces of clothing coming off one by one, Changkyuns' gentle mewls as Hyungwon moved his hands across his sides. 

Hyungwons' mouth gently sucked down Changkyuns' chest, his hands massaging Changkyuns' thighs. Hyungwon looks up through his bangs as the sunset filled the room with a cloud of pink dust, covering Changkyuns' milky skin in a pink filter, his flushed cheeks and highlighted face from sweat looked beautiful in the light, the moment being drilled into Hyungwons' mind. "You are so fucking gorgeous Changkyun" Hyungwon whispers gently, Changkyuns' arms coming up to cover his face, the blush becoming prominent in the dark light. Hyungwon reached up and pulled his hands away from his face, placing them above his head, hovering above him. Hyungwon started into Changkyuns' dark eyes, the sunlight highlighting every strand of colour within them.

Hyungwon sighed deeply as he studied Changkyuns' features. Hyungwon broke the eye contact as he reached out towards the table Changkyun did beforehand, opening it and grabbing the lube from it, closing it gently as he came back down, looking at how the pink turned to orange, the strands of hair gently caressing Changkyuns' face as he turned his head to the side, the multiple hickeys covering him still prominent. "You don't need to prep me since we did it last night..." Changkyun mumbles, still not looking up at the beautiful man above him. Hyungwon hums deeply and Changkyuns' breath hitches, the pop of the lube lid opening getting him excited. 

A few seconds passed as he felt the bottle being thrown somewhere above him, Hyungwons' weight resting on either side of him Hyungwons' hand came over to move Changkyuns' face out of his arms, a small smile on his face. "Look at me." Hyungwon whispers as he moves gently, entering Changkyun, studying his features as he did. His jaw drops, his eyes squint lightly, trying to keep them open to look at Hyungwon. Hyungwon swallows heavily, as he watches Changkyun push his head back into the mattress, a small moan escaping his tight throat. 

His eyes close gently as the sun starts to disappear, the light slowly fading, Hyungwon moves inside of him gently, both of them just enjoying the feeling of being so close to each other. Changkyun looks back up at Hyungwon, his lip between his teeth as he mewls at the pleasure. Hyungwon sighs heavily, licking his lips. 

"You are fucking beautiful Im Changkyun."

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