Who Are You?

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Changkyun rubs his eyes as he walks past the reception desk, bowing lightly at the lady from before and walking out of the large building, into the afternoon sun. It was starting to get cold again, the winter becoming more evident at night. Changkyun shivered as a strong wind blew past. He sighs as he starts walking back to his apartment. He looks around again, not many people walking around as before, a few here and there, some with suits on, some with school uniforms on, probably going home after a day hanging out with friends.

As he's walking he sees a small coffee shop across the street that he missed on the way here, probably hidden by the rush of all the people going past. 'I could go for a chai'

He looks down the street for cars and crosses when he sees none, not surprised that there's no one driving around, work and school ended ages ago, walking into the small shop and looking around. It's quite small and there are only a few people scattered around here and there. Mostly school kids and a few businessmen on their laptops working. He looks up at the board of choices, seeing hundreds of different drinks. Surprised, he looks for chai and spots it eventually, smiling lightly as he walks up to the counter. He puts his hand into his pocket and pulls out his wallet, searching for his card.

"Hello, how can I help you today?" a light voice speaks from across the counter, soft and calming. 'fitting'

"Just a chai latte, thanks," Changkyun tells the person behind the counter as he finally finds his card, looking up at the boy in front of him.


Changkyuns' eyes go round as he realises that it was the guy from earlier that was walking down the street with the cotton candy hair. The boy smiles lightly, brown eyes sparkling in the afternoon sunlight that was shining into the small shop. "That'll be $5.40. Card?" he speaks again, the soft voice snapping Changkyun out of his thoughts. As he shakes his head slightly, he nods and hands the boy his card. Changkyun looks at the boys' name tag that's pinned onto his apron.


"That's me," the boy says, smiling and laughing lightly. Changkyuns' eyes go wide again as he looks up at the boy, named Hyungwon, and covers his mouth. "Did I say that out loud?" Changkyun says as he feels his face and ears go red. "You sure did shorty, but it's okay. Your voice is nice," he says as he holds out Changkyuns' card. Changkyun looks down at the card and takes it, removing his hand from his face and bowing slightly. "I'm sorry I didn't realise I said it out loud" Changkyun apologises as he closes his eyes in embarrassment.

Hyungwon laughs, a very soft giggle. "Totally fine. Your chai will be out shortly." He says as he walks away with a small smile. Changkyun walks away from the counter and facepalms. 'why did I say that out loud.' Changkyun looks up to the window and frowns slightly. ' did he say my voice was.. nice?' Changkyun looks around confused as he finds an empty space against a wall and leans on it, his mind going 100 miles a second. After about a minute, he hears Hyungwon call out, signalling that his drink was ready.

Changkyun walks up to the counter again and collects his drink, embarrassment evident on his face. "Enjoy and return soon." Hyungwon says with a smile and a wink. Changkyun flushes as he nods. "Thanks." He chokes out and leaves the shop, confused at what had just happened. He shakes his head while he thinks about what had happened, slowly realising that he was being flirted with. Changkyuns heart flutters slightly and he shakes his head, smiling lightly and laughing about it. He starts to drink his latte and realises there's something on the side of the cup.

'here's my number, you already know my name' it read alongside a phone number.

'oh my god.'

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